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Humans throughout time have hunted any animal living in their environment that they could potentially eat. By the stone age human technology had progressed to the point were any land animal could be potential prey. Some of these animals are now extinct, such as mammoths, mastodons, aurochs, cave bears ect. These animals were hunted by European hunters.

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Q: What animals did man hunt during the stone age?
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How did animals effect people during the Stone Age?

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hunt food

During the old stone age how did they treat their dead?

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How did people live during Old Stone Age?

they were very very poor and they has to hunt for animals to eat

How did the environment affect stone age peoples?

The environment had a significant impact on Stone Age peoples as they adapted to their surroundings for survival. Changes in climate and geography influenced their migration patterns, food sources, and shelter construction. Their understanding and utilization of natural resources were key factors in their ability to thrive.

What animals did Stone Age kill?

the animals that stone age people killed were mammoths, deer, mostly big animals.