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First, please forgive me the correction, but the Jurassic was not an era, but a geologic period of the Mesozoic era.

The Early Jurassic suffered a major extinction in the Triassic- Jurassic boundary.

Many archosaur species went extinct, as well as most of amphibia (except small size specimen). In the sea, all conodonts disappeared from fossil register.

Although dinosaurs, pterosaurs and ichthyosaurs were already present during the Triassic, this extintion gave the way to the reptilian gigantism of the Jurassic and the Cretaceous periods, along with bony fish gigantism, such as the largest know fish, the Leedsichthys.

The Jurassic was not a very peaceful period; besides the above major extintion, there were, at least, two other less serious - but nevertheles significative - extintions.

The supercontinent Pangea, the last supercontinent in the geologic history of our planet, began to broke apart, with intense vulcanism and earthquakes.

Earthquakes, even with magnitude 9 or above in the Richter scale, were not as dangerous as today, because there were no buildings, and they could cause regional landslides or, in the worst scenario, non-global topographic alterations.

So, during the Toarcian stage extintion, the sea fauna was hit more severely than the terrestrial fauna, with the total extintion of Ammonites, a long living cephalopod since the Devonian.

The Tithonian extintion was less severe, but the Atlantic Ocean was beeing formed with the tectonic plates mouvement and vulcanism, and the waters of the new ocean became anoxic, with the loss of marine biodversity.

About the flora in the Jurassic, it was dominated by conifers and, in a less extend, the gymnosperms. So, about the flora, no severe extintion occured.

Coralline algae, very important to coral reefs ecology, appeared for the first time.

Ferns, of course, kept abundant but the advent of flowers had to wait for the Cretaceous...

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Q: What animals and plants became extinct during the Jurassic era?
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cute dinos went bye bye (:CommentDinosaurs went extinct on the C-T (Cretaceous/Tertiary) boundary. Not during the Jurassic Period.

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Dinosaurs were the giant animals that once lived during the Triassic and Jurassic periods. I hope this answer helped you even though it was a fairly simple question!