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asexual reproduction ensures that there are very little changes, that way if an original specimen has favorable traits, then the traits will carry on to the replicate. Worms are good examples of these.

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Q: What advantages does asexual reproduction have?
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What kind of reproduction leads to large populations lacking genetic diversity and consisting of genetically identical organisms?

Asexual reproduction because in asexual reproduction, the offspring is genetically identical to the parent. One of the advantages of asexual reproduction is large population because in asexual reproduction, only one parent is involved. The types of organisms that have asexual reproduction are: Algae, yeasts, and protozoans.

The principal advantages of asexual reproduction are?

the answer is rapid rate, large variation....your welcomeuh.

Do protists hsve an asexual reproduction?

no they do not "hsve" asexual reproduction they "have" asexual reproduction...

What type of reproduction that only require one parent?

asexual. its what plants do

What are advantages of asexual reproduction?

Asexual reproduction generates offspring that are genetically identical to a single parent. Asexual reproduction allows the organisms to reproduce very quickly. Asexual reproducers do not have to carry their offspring for a long amount of time and produce more than one at a time. Asexual reproducers do not have to spend time looking for a mate.

What are the advanages of Asexual reproduction?

What are the Advanages of Asexual reproduction?

Asexual reproduction produces?

asexual reproduction produces

What is the creation of offspring from only one organism called?

asexual reproduction. Mitosis.

What is the other name of asexual reproduction?

The scientific name for asexual reproduction is asexual reproduction!!!!!!!!!!!!!!DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUH

Asexual reproduction is to one as sexual reproduction is to?

asexual reproduction is to 1 as sexal reproduction is to 2

Why do humans reproduce sexually?

Asexual reproduction is only done by cells, plants, and a few protozoa. Sexual reproduction is the only choice humans have and it has quite a few advantages over asexual reproduction. It results in more variation and is more fun.

A example of asexual reproduction?

an Example of Runner in Asexual Reproduction