Dick Harfield's answer puts it concisely. Gods are a construct of humans to explain the unexplainable. The Greeks had their version, as did other ancient religions. Modern religions are later versions of the theme. Our increasing understanding of science gives us explanations of how things happen, however many people choose to remain with the wide range of religious answers, but tend to reduce the number of gods to a more manageable number and having a range of gods to cover all aspects of life in less useful.
Fake gods, inventions of the early Greeks. Their narratives claimed that these gods perpetrated murder on each other, rape, etc.
The Hellenistic culture was still firmly based in the classical Greek belief in the Olympian deities. However, the Egyptian worship of Isis, the Greek religion Serapis, and the Syrian religion of Atargatis began to reshape the culture.
The classical Greek writers were the writers of the classical Greek period (5th -- 4th century BC). The classical Roman writers were the writers of the classical Roman period (1st century BC- 2nd century AD). They were the writers of the classical ancient literature and wrote poetry, prose, epics, dramas, comedy and satire.
Which Period Of History Was Great Influenced By Classical Greek And Roman Works?
Greeks have a huge culture. They praise the bond of a family (that's also why in Greek movies houses are full of relatives!) They have very close relationships with both friends and family. Also a huge part of their culture is religion. Religion is 100% important to them. They are Greek orthodox, and Greek orthodox religions is not a brake apart religion like all others have broken apart from the catholic, but is a pure religion that has withstood the test of time. Oh, and their food is amazing! There are so many part of a Greek classical culture, that i don't have time to tell you all of them. Hope I helped!
The Cult of Isis was a mystery religion created by the Greek Ptolemy Soter, based on aspects of the ancient Egyptian religion. It was a mystery cult (a secretive religion requiring initiation in various phases) that spread throughout the Mediterranean throughout the late Classical period. It is still going today.
the classical Greek's did not believe in giving a human-like form to their gods.
false - e2020
Greek Mythology, also called Classical Mythology is the ancient religion of the ancient Greeks: as reported and reduced by Greek poets of old.
Pseudoscience -Apex ~Vuxlum
Pseudoscience -Apex ~Vuxlum
The Hellenistic culture was still firmly based in the classical Greek belief in the Olympian deities. However, the Egyptian worship of Isis, the Greek religion Serapis, and the Syrian religion of Atargatis began to reshape the culture.
Her beauty and his own jelousy of other Gods because of his placement in the underworld Student of Classical Greek and Roman literature, religion and leisure.
Because without understanding it at least a little bit, you can't understand classical literature at all. Without classical literature, it's hard to see how our own literature developed.
The Classical age of ancient Greece was when the Greek culture thrived.
Classical Greek
Classical Greek sculpture is simple, balanced, and restrained. The expression of a figure is genrally solemn. The aesthetic principle in classical Greek sculpture was one of refinement, balance, and simplicity.
Every religion that does not stick to the Bible is false.