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Q: What Mexican food name translates Little Donkey?
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What Mexican food names translates literally to little donkey?


How do you say donkeys in Spanish?

The word for little donkey in Spanish is 'burrito.' The Spanish word 'burro' means donkey, and is the diminutive form of 'burro.' A burrito also can refer to a Mexican-American food that is a flour tortilla filled with a variety of ingredients, including beans and meat.

Are burritos food?

Yes. But the other food inside them is food. So, they eat them as food in Mexico and other countries. So I think so! Good Question!:) ANSWER: If you are referring to the snack food rolled in a flour tortilla, then yes, burritos are food. If you are referring the Mexican donkey, then no, not so much.

What does burrito mean in English?

The spanish word "burrito" is literally translated as "little donkey" (which has nothing to do with the food item, hopefully).

What ingerdients do they have in Mexican food?

There are lots of ingredients in Mexican food it depends on what kind of Mexican food it is. == ==

What is the Mexican food group?

Mexican Food is a cooking style not a food group. Mexican food items fall into all of the food groups.

What type of food do the Mexican eat?

Mexican food

Is Mexican food a native food of Colorado?

No it is not from calorado Mexican food is from Mexico

Is pizza Mexican food?

yes pizza is a Mexican food.

If a donkey had a 20 foot and it wanted food 50 foot away how will the donkey get it?


What does Luis Apollo mean?

a little ecudorian who likes to steal peoples food and live in the train sewers. he loves Mexican food and loves guys.

Are Mexican and Portuguese food similar?

no Mexican food is for Mexicans and portuguese food is for portuguese people