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There are two factors; the tangential velocity, and the gravitational force. The planets have a tangential velocity, they are speeding along sideways relative to the sun. If there was no gravity, this velocity would take the planets away from the sun, but the sun has a huge gravitational force which counteracts this effect. The suns gravitational force is constantly attracting the planets in, against this tangential velocity. If the planets were to slow down, then they would eventually spiral into the sun, but in space there is no drag, so the planets maintain their speed and their orbits.

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Q: What 2 forces combine to keep a planet in orbit?
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What two forces keep a planet in orbit?

Gravity and Enertia (Not that sure on the spelling of the last one)

What two factors combine to keep the planets in their orbits?

None do. If the forces on a planet were balanced, then it would take off in a straight line at constant speed, not remain in orbit. The only force acting on a planet is the gravitational one, that attracts the planet toward the sun. Fortunately, that's the only force required to keep the planet in orbit.

What forces keep the comet in orbit around the sun?

A comet stays in orbit by the gravitational pull of other planets/ objects in space but pulled to a planet because of the stronger pull gravity.

What 2 forces pull on planet earth creating an orbital path around the sun?

Gravity and Inertia keep Earth in orbit

How do gravity and inertia determine the orbit of a planet?

the sun's gravity pulls the planets towards it but the other planet's gravity helps keep the planet not get sucked towards the sun. With gravity working this creates the planet to orbit the sun

How inertia and gravity combine to keep earth in orbit?

gravity and inertia combine to keep earth in orbit because the suns gravity keeps the earth in orbit and the inertia keeps the earth from going in a straight line.

What keeps the planets in orbit around the sun?

Gravity, combined with the velocities of the planets, keeps the planets in orbit around the Sun.Gravity between any body, such as a planet, and the Sun is one factor. Also the planet has a velocity. These two things combine to keep the planet in orbit around the Sun.Gravitation. The suns gravitational pull. The huge mass of the sun means it has a huge gravitational pull, keeping all of the planets in place. There is also the planets velocity that would take the planet away from the sun if there was no gravity, so these two forces act against each other.

How can the planets orbit the sun?

It is the natural tendency for an object in motion to keep moving at the same speed in a straight line. Meanwhile gravity is trying to pull each planet toward the sun. The two forces combine to keep the planets in their elliptical orbits. They have enough forward momentum to keep them from falling into the sun, and they have enough pull from the sun to keep them from following a straight path out of the solar system.

What forces keep the planet in its orbit?

They are the gravitational pull of the Sun and the "centrifugal force". In fact centrifugal force is not a "real" force. The effect is really caused by the inertia of the planet. That's its tendency to move in a straight line unless acted on by a force. The planet is acted on by the force of gravity. The result is that the planet follows a curved path - its orbit.

How are all the planets kept in orbit by gravity?

The sun's gravity exerts a constant force on each planet in the direction straight toward the sun, but the law of inertia tries to keep the planet moving in a straight line. The resultant force from the vector addition of those two forces keeps the planet in its orbit.

What two forces work together to keep the planets in orbit around the sun?

The two forces that work together to keep the planets in orbit around the sun are gravity and inertia.

How do Saturn's rings stay in orbit?

The gravitational pull of the planet Saturn keep it's rings in orbit.