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Surely not. The cornucopia ("horn of plenty") is an ancient symbol of food and abundance, arising out of Greek mythology. It has become associated with the holiday we observe as Thanksgiving. But the Pilgrims didn't know they were having something called "Thanksgiving" at that first feast in 1621. They didn't say "This is the first Thanksgiving." It was just a big holiday feast of celebration. Commemoration came later.

The Wikipedia entry for Thanksgiving tells us that the first official Thanksgiving Proclamation made in America was issued by the Continental Congress in 1777. Later on, in 1789, it became a national holiday.

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12y ago

It is not known whether pumpkin pie was served at the first Thanksgiving, but it is not likely, The pilgrims would have run out of or been very low on the sugar and flour necessary to make them and very likely would have no way to bake them.

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12y ago

It is not known if the pilgrims ate corn on the cob or cut the corn off the cob at the first Thanksgiving. They were celebrating a good corn harvest, so they ate corn in some form.

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no pumpkin is not a thanksgiving trailing plant because do you make pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving no you don't and by the way if you are traveling it is going to spoil.

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to be honest i think they

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Did the pilgrims shared pumpkin pie at the first thanksgiving?

The Pilgrims did share their food with the Wampanoag, but not Pumpkin Pie because that recipe was not yet invented. Corn was part of the meal as one of the main dishes.