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Medusa was not cursed by Aphrodite. She was cursed by Athena. Medusa, in Ovid's telling of the tale, was a beautiful young woman, possibly a priestess of Athena. Poseidon was so enraptured by her beauty that he pursued her and attempted to bed her. When Medusa refused, as Athena was a virgin goddess and expected her followers to be as well, Poseidon raped her on the floor of Athena's temple. As a result of the rape, Medusa became pregnant. Being the notorious misogynists that they are, the Greeks felt being raped was a punishable offense, and as such Athena cursed Medusa and exiled her to live with the other Gorgons.

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Q: Was medusa before she was cursed prettier than Aphrodite?
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What did Aphrodite do to Medusa?

Aphrodite turned Medusa into an ugly beast we people said Medusa was prettier than her

Why did medusa got cursed by Aphrodite?

She got cursed by her because mudusa said she was preetier then aphrodite and she heard that mudusa said that . That is how mudusa was turned to a crature and curesd

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Medusa claimed she was more beautiful than Aphrodite so she was cursed and transformed into a monster.

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Athena cursed her for 'getting it on' with Poseidon in her temple.

What myth is the goddess Athena in?

Athena was in a myth with her and Medusa. Medusa thought of herself so much prettier than Athena so then she cursed her into having snake hair.

Who cursed medusa?

Athena cursed medusa

What god was medusa before she got turned into medusa by Athena?

Medusa was always a goddess called Medusa, if she was a goddess Athena only cursed her.

Is Medusa a titan?

No. Medusa is a Gorgon, she and her 2 sisters were cursed by Aphrodite so when they look at someone the person turns to stone

What jobs did Medusa have in her life?

Before she was cursed by Athena, she was a priestess in her temple.

Did Medusa get married?

No, but she almost married posideon before Athena cursed her.

Was Medusa hideous?

Medusa was said to be beautiful before she was cursed by Athena. Afterward, she had snakes as hair and was portrayed as a hideous monster.

Did Antigone become medusa?

No. Medusa was originally a sea nymph before being cursed by Athena because she was with Poseidon in Athena's temple.