

Best Answer
  • fission
  • fusion
  • boosted fission
  • multistage fusion
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Q: Types of nuclear and atomic explosions?
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Which is bigger a nuclear or atomic explosion?

Nuclear explosions are the result of splitting the atom. It is actually what powers the sun.

What is the fear of a nuclear holocaust called?

Atomosophobia - fear of atomic explosions.

Three types of atomic explosions?

air burstsurface burstunderground burstunderwater burst

Can a nuclear power plant turn into a atomic bomb?

No, a reactor is operated at critical and a bomb at supercritical. Also reactors include safety shutdown systems that quickly make them subcritical stopping the reaction.However reactors can have steam explosions and hydrogen/oxygen explosions. These are physical and chemical explosions respectively, not nuclear.

What creates nuclear energy?

Uranium was created in supernova explosions more than 7 billion years ago. The nuclear energy in this uranium is released by nuclear fission of the atomic nuclei in a neutron chain reaction.

What were other option rather an atomic bomb?

Atomic bombs are a type of Nuclear bomb and there are 2 types of nuclear bombs. The second type of nuclear bomb is a hydrogen bomb.

What is the name given to the cloud that forms after an atomic bomb explodes?

Mushroom cloud as the shape resembles an ever growing mushroom.Note that this cloud is in no way unique to nuclear explosions, it is produced by all explosions. The degree and duration of the phenomena is directly proportional to yield, as nuclear explosions have yields several orders of magnitude higher than conventional explosions their mushroom clouds are orders of magnitude more dramatic and memorable.

What kind of explosions are used in nuclear bombs?


How much heat can an atomic bomb create?

Atomic bombs are a perfect example of a nuclear reaction that causes massive destruction. Atom bombs have a power equivalent to millions of tons of ordinary explosive. The temperatures of fusion nuclear explosions can go up into the millions of kelvin.

What is the Orion Project?

Project Orion was a study of a spacecraft intended to be directly propelled by a series of explosions of atomic bombs behind the craft (Nuclear pulse propulsion)

Would the nuclear explosions in Chernobyl and Japan affect the Ozone and climate?

Very unlikely. Also neither were nuclear explosions:Chernobyl was a massive steam explosion in the cooling system, and Japan was a combination of steam explosions and maybe hydrogen/oxygen explosions. The nuclear releases in both cases were due to breaches of the containment by these explosions. If they had been nuclear explosions many miles from the plants would have been leveled and that did not happen.

Was there an Atomic Bomb dropped by accident in the US?

actually many. look up broken arrow, the US codename for a nuclear weapon accident. none had a nuclear explosion, although many had explosions or fires of chemical explosives.