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You should consider the expectations of the people to whom you are talking (or for whom you are writing), and also check your horoscope for the day and see if the astrological influences favor informal or formal English.

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Q: Two things to keep in mind when your deciding weather to use formal or informal English are the?
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Two things to keep in mind when you're deciding whether to use formal or informal English are the?

Two things to keep in mind when you're deciding whether to use formal or informal English are the occasion and the audience.

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In the Dutch language what is a formal and informal way to say hi?

Formal: Goeiedag ----> English equivalent: Goodday Informal: Hoi ----> English equivalent: Hi

Compare formal English and informal English?

Formal English is the English written in works like essays, where it's a standardized, formal way to write it, but informal English is what I'm writing in right now, a loose, not very structured way of writing.

Two things to keep in mind when you're deciding whether to use formal or informal English are?

Consider the audience you are addressing and the level of formality that is appropriate for the situation. Additionally, be mindful of the tone and style you want to convey through your choice of language.

What is the English phrase 'Please Thank you Goodbye' in Dutch?

Please = Alstublieft (formal) and alsjeblieft (informal) Thank you = dank u wel (formal) and dankjewel (informal) Goodbye = tot ziens / dag (formal) and doei (informal)

Two things to keep in mind when you are deciding to use formal England or informal English are an opinion and the Occasion b occasion and the audience c reader and the audience d reader and the locati?

occasion and audience

What is English table setting style?

like the Russian , English is a formal table style .. but it can be formal or informal depending on the diner if he\she wants to.

What does 'Tu ou vous' mean in English?

It means "You (informal) or you (formal)"

Two things to keep in mind when you're deciding whether to use formal or informal English are the an opinion and the occasion B occasion and the audience C reader and the audience D reader and t?

occasion and audience

What are proper greeting words in English?

very informal: Hey informal: Hi more formal: Hello formal: Good morning Good afternoon Good evening

What is the difference between written grammar and spoken grammar?

Written grammar typically follows more formal rules and conventions compared to spoken grammar. Spoken grammar tends to be more relaxed and may include slang, contractions, and incomplete sentences. Written grammar also often includes punctuation and sentence structure that may differ from how people naturally speak.