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Two conditions that helped the spread of the Gospel were (1) the excellent Roman roads, which facilitated travel, and (2) the Pax Romanum, or the Peace of Rome, which was the absence of wars enforced by the armed might of the Roman Empire.

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trade routes and highway systems

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Q: Two conditions in the empire that helped early Christians to spread the Gospel were well established?
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By the time of the fall of the Western Empire, Christianity was well established as the state religion and other religions were forbidden. Naturally, there was no prohibition on Christianity, and persecution of non-Christians was accepted practice.

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The Great Schism of 1054 occurred among the Christians of Eastern and Western Roman Empire.

What are the contributions of Constantine I?

Maybe someone else can better on this answer. With Constantine's conversion to Christianity, a lot of power went to the Christians. Constantine donated land to build Churches, put christians in positions of authority, and led to Christian dominance in the Roman Empire. The Roman Empire Changed from this time. Also Constantine made Sunday the official Church day for Christians and he also influenced the date for Christmas. Constantine gave Christianity a big boost !

How did the decline of Roman Empire affect Christians?

It all started by a simple thing for example by the roman empire decline affected the christians because the christians taught that the Romans were gona change who they were but they dint

What was the dominate power in the world of the first Christians?

the Roman Empire

Non-christians in the roman empire?


Why did roman officials consider cristians enemies of the empire?

The Christians were not considered enemies of the Roman Empire. What was questioned was their loyalty to the imperial government, rather that their loyalty to the empire as such. Most Christians were citizens of the Roman Empire who converted from paganism to Christianity.