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Q: Total number of cells in an adult body?
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Related questions

Are adult cells and somatic cells the same?

Adult cells could refer to any cell in the adult body. Somatic cells however, are body cells (cells that have diploid number of chromosomes), different from germ cells (containing haploid number of chromosomes)

Do Body cells only have half the total number of chromosomes?

All body cells contain a total number of 46 chromosomes except sex cells (the egg and the sperm) which have half the number of chromosomes (23) no.... body cells or somatic cells have 46 chromosomes which is the diploid chromosome number of homo sapiens... gametes or sex cells have 23 chromosomes which is the haploid chromosome number...

How many cells are in the adult body?

there are approximately 100 trillion cells in our body.

How are adult body cells differ from embryonic stem cells?

adult body cells have a function where as embryonic stem cells have no set function as of that stage. now there are some adult stem cells and those have little to no difference than embryonic stem cells

How are adult body cells different from embryonic stem cells?

adult body cells have a function where as embryonic stem cells have no set function as of that stage. now there are some adult stem cells and those have little to no difference than embryonic stem cells

How many blood cells are in an adult body?

infinite cells

What is an adult cell?

All the cells in your body that are not sex cells. Devoid of the complications here, sperm in males and eggs in females are the only cells in the adult human body that are NOT somatic cells.

How many cells in the adult human body?


How many cells are estimated in the adult human body?

there are approximately 100 trillion cells in our body.

How many body cells does a body have?

An adult human has approximately 75-100 X 1012 cells. (75,000,000,000,000 to 100,000,000,000,000 cells)

How many cell are in an adult body?

infinite cells

Are there 25 trillion red blood cells in an adult's body?

Yes. An adult has about 20-30 trillion red blood cells.