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Sidestream Smoke. More than half the pollutants emitted by a cigarette come not from the smokedend of the cigarette but from its other end - the cigarette's burning end - and are called sidestream smoke.

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10y ago
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14y ago

sidestream smoke is the smoke that comes from burning tobacco. passive smoke is cigarette, cigar, or pipe smoke inhaled by nonsmokers as well as smoke that remains in a closed environment after the smoker is through smoking.

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15y ago

Exhaled air of a smoker is called second-hand smoke.

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9y ago

This type of smoke is referred to as Secondhand smoke.

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second hand smoke

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Second hand smoke

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Q: What do you call the combination of smoke from the burning end of a cigarette and the exhaled smoke from a smoker?
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What describes sidestreem smoke?

Sidestream smoke is the smoke emitted from the burning end of a cigarette, pipe, or cigar, as well as the smoke exhaled by the smoker. It is a combination of mainstream smoke (inhaled by the smoker) and a higher concentration of toxins, carcinogens, and other harmful chemicals. Sidestream smoke exposure can be just as harmful, if not more so, than directly smoking cigarettes.

What are exhaled mainstream smoke and sidestream smoke combined?

Exhaled mainstream smoke and sidestream smoke combined is referred to as secondhand smoke. This form of smoke is a mixture of the exhaled smoke from a smoker and the smoke emitted directly from a burning cigarette. Exposure to secondhand smoke can have harmful health effects on non-smokers.

How do you help prevent cigarette pollution?

You can help prevent cigarette pollution by properly disposing of cigarette butts in designated bins or personal ashtrays. Additionally, consider quitting smoking as the most effective way to reduce cigarette pollution. Finally, participate in beach or community clean-up initiatives to help remove litter, including cigarette butts, from the environment.

What is main streaming?

Mainstream smoke is a combination of inhaled and exhaled smoke after taking a puff on a lit cigarette. The composition of mainstream smoke is affected by how the smoker inhales and exhales, so it will vary from person to person. The frequency of puffs, duration and volume all contribute to the makeup of mainstream smoke

What is a trained smoker?

A trained smoker is a person who is trained not to smoke cigarette's.

Where does ETS occur?

ETS, or Environmental Tobacco Smoke, occurs in indoor spaces where someone is smoking a cigarette, cigar, or pipe. It consists of two components: mainstream smoke exhaled by the smoker and sidestream smoke emitted from the burning end of the tobacco product. This type of secondhand smoke can be harmful to non-smokers who are exposed to it.

Can a cigarette smoker preach the gospel?


Is Amy Robach a cigarette smoker?

Yes. Amy has been quoted as saying that she is a smoker.

How is smoking harmful to people around you?

They inhale the same poisons that the smoker inhaled and exhaled.

What are signals that you are a cigarette smoker?

You start smoking cigarettes.

How do you make a smoker costume?

Light a cigarette and stand there.

How your cigarette can effect others?

There is secondhand smoke which harms others. When the smoker inhales the smoke, it is filtered by a filter on the top of the cigarette. When the smoker blows out, it is not filtered and it can harm innocent people