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Q: The opposite of a cougar woman?
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What do you call women who like older men?

The opposite of a cougar? Gold-diggers? Woman who likes older men????????

What defines a cougar?

a woman about age 40 + whose sexual preference is among the opposite sex 18+ An older woman aggressively pursuing younger men.

What is the male version of a cougar woman?

A "Dingo" is the male version of a cougar woman!

What is the opposite of a cougar as used in slang terms?

Opposite of CougarAccording to the Urban Dictionary, a cougar is a woman who likes younger men. The opposite of that would be a woman who likes much older men, but no word could be found for that. A couple of terms that have been used to refer to women who like much older men are "jail bait" and "gold digger." They are both derogatory terms that are best left unused.

What do you call a woman older than a cougar?

A woman older than a cougar is sometimes humorously referred to as a sabertooth.

What is a woman who dates younger men?

A cougar.

What do you call a woman who dates younger men?


What age is a woman considered a cougar?

A woman typically considered a cougar is usually around 40 years or older and is interested in dating younger men, often at least 5-10 years younger than her. However, the label "cougar" is more of a social construct and can vary among individuals.

At what age is a woman who dates younger men called a 'cougar'?

A woman who dates younger men and is typically older than her partners is often referred to as a cougar. The term "cougar" is often applied to women who are in their 40s or older.

What makes a woman a cougar?

Her age. If she's about 7-10 years and up when sleeping or seeing a man, she's a cougar.

What is a cougar women?

An older woman trying to be with a younger guy

What is a letch?

It is an older man seeking out younger women. Basically the opposite of a cougar.