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The Law of Conservation of Energy

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Q: The law which states that the total amount of energy in the universe does not change?
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What is the total amount of energy in the universe never changes called?

You are thinking of the conservation of energy law which states energy can neither ber created or destroyed.

What does energy cannot be created or destroyed mean?

I assume you are referring to the Law of Conservation of Matter. It states that during a chemical bond, energy and matter cannot be created, nor destroyed; the amount of energy and matter at the start is identical to the amount at the end.

What states that during any change the amount of energy stays the same?

Law of Conservation of Energy.

According to what the universe's total amount of energy does not change?

It is because of the law of conservation of mass and energy, which states that the total amount of energy and mass in a closed system remains constant. This is because of Noether's Theorem. It states that some value in a symmetrical and closed system remains constant. Because of this, the mass and energy content of the universe remains constant as long as the laws of physics in it remain constant.

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Explain why the law of conservation of energy means that we do not have unlimited source of energy?

Answer: The law of conservation of energy means that we do not have unlimited energy because there is a finite amount of energy in the universe, it is merely converted into other forms of energy or matter. Answer: Actually there are two important energy laws - the First and Second Law of Thermodynamics. You should understand both of them to understand what goes on in our Universe, with respect to energy. The First Law (= Conservation of Energy) means that no new energy can be created (or destroyed, for that matter). We can use whatever energy is available in the Universe, but we can't create any new energy. Thus, the total amount of energy in the Universe is limited. The Second Law states that useful energy is constantly being converted into unusable energy. Thus, even though energy can't be destroyed, it will eventually get "used up" in the sense that it is no longer usable. As a result of this, the total amount of energy in the Universe is limited.

The total amount of energy in the universe is always the same?

The energy called heat, more specifically known as Kinetic Energy - the energy of Heat.Answer2:The energy of motion is cmV = cP, a vector energy. The sum of the particle energy is c x Sum of Pi

Can the universe loses energy because of heat production due to the first law of thermodynamics?

No - energy can be transformed into heat - but heat is just another form of energy. The first law states that energy must be conserved - but it is allowed to change form.

What the different between the law of conservation of energy and conserving energy?

The law of conservation of energy states that the total energy in the universe is a constant and will remain so for example ( x=y+z ). conservation of energy has to do with reducing the amount of energy used through reduced activity and/or increased efficiency in the performance of a particular task.

How does the law of conservation of energy affect your lives?

The Law of Conservation of energy states that energy cannot be created or destroyed; in other words the total amount of energy in the universe would remain constant. (: My source is the Physical Science with Earth Science textbook, Chapter 5: Energy. (:

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Is the principle that the amount of a physical substance remains the same even if its physical appearance changes?

The principle behind the statement is the law of conservation of energy, which states that;"Energy can neither be created nor be destroyed. It can only be transformed from one form to the other."Hence, irrespective of being a physical or a chemical change, total amount of energy in the initial stage is always equal to the total amount of energy after the change.