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creation of a bicameral Congress

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Bicameral legislation.

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Q: The great compromise led to the?
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Which compromise led to the establishment of a congress with a senate and a House of Representives?

Compromise of 1787 (the Great Compromise)

What is the major compromise that led to the formation of a bicameral legislature in the federal government?

The Great Compromise or the Connecticut Compromise.

What events lead to the great compromise?

The issue of representation led to the Connecticut (or great) compromise.

What is the effects of the constitutional Convention?

The effect the constitutional convention had was the great compromise and the 3/5 compromise. These led to the constitution.

The agreement that led to the legislature having two houses is called the?

Great Compromise

What impact did the Great Compromise have on the legislative branch?

It created 2 houses the house of Representativesand the Senate

What historians say America's greatest genius is its ability to compromise How did compromise lead to the ratification of the US Constitution?

The Great Compromise (decided between the Virginia Plan and the New Jersey Plan) and the Three Fifths Compromise (3/5's of slaves are counted in the population [due to the Great Compromise, the number of seats in Congress a state has depends on their population]) led to the US Constitution.

What did the great compromise or Connecticut compromise decide?

The great Compromise, or Connecticut Compromise, set up Congress by havin a fight.

What did Roger Sherman do to the Great Compromise?

He proposed the Great Compromise.

What was the product of grand committees?

Great Compromise :}

What compromise led the acceptance of hamilton's plan of reducing the national debt?

The Compromise of 1790 led to the acceptance of Alexander Hamilton's plan for reducing the national debt. This compromise was the first big compromise reached by the new government in America.

The great compromise which the large and small states made involved the decision to have two houses of congress?

The Connecticut Compromise is often called the Great Compromise of 1787. This led to the bicameral Congress of the United States where the House of Representatives would work on behalf of local constituencies, and the Senate would work on behalf of the states.