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After 10 years of appeals in a lower court, the Supreme Court decided that all people of African descent, whether slave or free, could not be US citizens, and hence couldn't sue in federal court. Another ruling outcome of this case was that the federal government had no power to prohibit slavery in its territories.
In one of he worst Supreme Court rulings in history, the court decided against Scott, saying that he remained the property of his master, and that free states were obligated to abide by the laws of the slave states.

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Q: The US Supreme Court's Dred Scott decision stated that?
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The supreme court decision that stated no person born in Africa could ever be a citzen of the United States?

Dred Scott

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The decision made slavery legal and slaves were properly without rights or citizenship.

The dred Scott decision stated that slaves?

the dred scott decision stated that slaves are peoplealso and should'nt be property :D yurwelcomee

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Where did the Dred Scott Decision occur?

In the Supreme Court.

What role did Roger Taney play in determine whether or not slaves could sue in the courts?

Taney led the U.S. Supreme Court as Chief Justice in the Dred Scott decision.

What was stated in the dred scott decision?

Slaves were the property of their owners.

Who was the subject of a supreme court decision on slavery?

Dred Scott

What was the Dread Scott Decision?

The Chief Justice Roger B. Taney stated that any African/African American-slave or not-couldn't be a citizen of the U.S. and could not sue in the US courts.

What role did Roger B Taney play in determining whether or not slaves could sue in the courts?

Taney led the U.S. Supreme Court as Chief Justice in the Dred Scott decision.

What role did roger b Taney play in in determining whether or not slaves could sue in the courts?

Taney led the U.S. Supreme Court as Chief Justice in the Dred Scott decision.