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Q: Tapeworms can reproduce by fission or budding?
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Do fungi reproduce byspores?

Some do. Yeast reproduce by budding or fission.

What are three ways an organisms asexually reproduce?


Do bacterium reproduce by budding?

Yes there are some bacteria that reproduce by budding, however binary fission is more common.

What kind of fission is found in yeast?

Yeast reproduce by Budding

What method do prokaryotes use for cell reproduction?

Prokaryotic fission or binary fission is the process that prokaryotes use to reproduce. This means that they reproduce asexually instead of sexually.

How Do Bacteria and Fungi Raise Their Young?

Bacteria:Bacteria reproduce by binary fission or sometimes by budding, but do not undergo sexual reproduction.Fungi:Fungi reproduce both asexually, by budding or binary fission, as well by producing spores, which are called conidia when produced asexually, or basidiospores when produced sexually.

Do only plant reproduce by spores?

Gynaecospora class reproduce by spores. Plants produce by many other methods from fission,budding to parthenogenesis.

What form of asexual reproduction do yeast cells use and why?

Most reproduce asexually by budding, although a few do so by binary fission

How do fungi reproduce Give examples of each type of reproduction?

Fungi reproduce sexually and asexually. The types of asexual reproduction are budding, fission, fragmentation, and sporulation.

A yeast cell multiplies itself by a method called?

Yeast cell reproduce by budding or fission method. Both are asexual.

How can bacteria reproduce by fission?

Bacteria reproduce by a process called binary fission, where a single bacterium divides into two identical daughter cells. During fission, the bacterial chromosome replicates, and the two copies move to opposite ends of the cell. Then, the cell elongates, and a septum forms in the middle, dividing the cell into two. Finally, the cell membrane pinches inwards, resulting in the formation of two independent daughter cells.

How does budding and fission contrast and compare?

Budding and fission are both ways of asexual reproduction. Budding starts with a tiny bump, as fission splits its cytoplasm and nucleus. Source- Discovery Works textbook