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GOLGI if it's for the crossword. :)
The systems of flattened sacs that modify and package proteins is known as the endoplasmic reticulum or ER. The system will modify proteins into vesicles.

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Q: System of flattened sacs that modify and package proteins?
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What system modify and package flattened sacs?

Golgi apparatus

Which organelles modify proteins that have already been synthesized?

The Golgi Complex are stacks of flattened vesicles that modifies and packages proteins for export from the cell.

What are the Golgi bodies main job?

The Golgi modify and package proteins and lipids that were imported from the ER.

What organelle function package and deliver proteins?

Endoplasmic Reticulum

What is the job of a Golgi apparatus?

the function of the Golgi apparatus is to modify, sort, and package proteins and other materials from the endoplasmic reticulum for storage in the cell or secretion outside the cell

What organelle modifies or package proteins for export from the cell?

The organelle that modifies and packages proteins is the Golgi apparatus. When it does this, it is preparing the proteins for secretion.

What is the job of the Golgi apparatus?

The Golgi apparatus needs to modify, package and distribute proteins and other macromolecules throughout the plants body.

What job does Golgi body do?

its job is to modify, sort, and package proteins sent from the endoplasmic reticulum

What is different about the ER and the Golgi?

The Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) is like networking for the cell. It moves the proteins in the cell to get them where they need to be. The Golgi Apparatus is stacks membrane that have three main functions - 1) Modify proteins 2) Package proteins 3) Store proteins.

What materials do the Golgi sort and modify?

They mainly modify proteins. They form glyco proteins etc

What is primary function of the golgli apparatus?

To modify, sort, and package proteins and other materials from the endoplasmic reticulum for storage in the cell or secretion outside the cell.

What does the Golgi body receive from the ER?

Golgi apparatus receive proteins from the endoplasmic reticulum to package and modify, and then sent out to other parts of the cell or out of the cell.