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Kidney disease

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Possible causes of mild hydronephrosis in the right kidney include kidney stones, urinary tract infections, scarring from a previous infection or surgery, or structural abnormalities that may be obstructing the flow of urine. It is important to follow up with a healthcare provider for further evaluation and management.

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Q: Right kidney shows mild dilation of the pelvicalyceal system. Diagonosis-- Right Mild hydronephrosis . What can be the possible cause?
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Is it possible to exist from the future?

As far as our current scientific understanding, it is not possible to exist in the future before that time actually comes. Time travel to the future is theoretically possible through phenomena like time dilation, but physically existing in the future before it happens is not within the realm of known physics.

Does time travel exits?

Time travel is currently not proven to be possible according to our scientific understanding of physics. While there are theories like Einstein's theory of relativity that allow for the possibility of time dilation, actually traversing through time remains a concept of science fiction.

Dr who travels through time in his TARDIS is this possible to do this?

As of current scientific understanding, time travel like in the show Doctor Who is not possible. The concept of time travel raises many complex questions and challenges, including paradoxes and violations of fundamental principles of physics. While some theories exist, such as wormholes and time dilation, they remain theoretical and far from practical application.

Can you trvel in time without a time mechine?

As of current scientific understanding, time travel to the past without a time machine is not possible. Time is viewed as a one-way arrow in our universe's entropy. While traveling to the future is theoretically possible through phenomena like time dilation based on the theory of relativity, traveling to the past involves complex paradoxes that have not been resolved.

Is time travel possible And if so why has no-one from the future ever come back Tom Eddison Aged 33 Manchester?

According to current scientific understanding, time travel to the past is not possible due to paradoxes such as the grandfather paradox. Additionally, the concept of time travel to the future is theoretically possible through time dilation as predicted by Einstein's theory of relativity. As for why no one from the future has come back, it may be due to the practical limitations and complexities involved in achieving time travel, or perhaps it is simply not feasible in the way commonly depicted in science fiction.

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How do you dilate by .50 with (66)?

Dilation (or enlargements require a centre of dilation (or enlargement). Since none has been given, no dilation is possible.

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Dilation is usually ?

Dilation is usually included as a possible part of the procedure in case there is a possible stricture, which can then be treated then and there rather than coming back to treat it at a different time.This means they will not perform dilation unless they have to do it, and the reason they will do it is if there is a stricture, but in your case they won't likely do this, but it is best to have consent before the procedure just in case they find a stricture

What is it normally done when you are over 3 months pregnant?

A D&C, Dilation&Curretage. It's possible up to 14 weeks after your last period.

Is it possible to time trave?

Theoretically, time travel may be possible according to some interpretations of physics, such as wormholes or time dilation. However, as of now, there is no experimental evidence or practical method to achieve time travel.

Why would my doctor order a cat scan for a possible kidney problems?

To check for any number of kidney related problems. Some common things seen on a CT scan of the kidneys: * Kidney stone(s) * Hydronephrosis (Enlargement of the kidney due to a blockage usually) * Renal Cysts

Is it possible to throw up after having a pupil dilation exam done?

It is rare that someone would throw up after having their pupils dilated during an eye exam. Side effects may include eye irritation.

Is it possible to use relativistic time dilation to fight a speeding ticket?

If you were traveling fast enough for Einsteins' theory to be "relative". If so the police may have had trouble catching you. You may have run out of streets to fly low above.

Is it possible to exist from the future?

As far as our current scientific understanding, it is not possible to exist in the future before that time actually comes. Time travel to the future is theoretically possible through phenomena like time dilation, but physically existing in the future before it happens is not within the realm of known physics.

Does time travel exits?

Time travel is currently not proven to be possible according to our scientific understanding of physics. While there are theories like Einstein's theory of relativity that allow for the possibility of time dilation, actually traversing through time remains a concept of science fiction.

Dr who travels through time in his TARDIS is this possible to do this?

As of current scientific understanding, time travel like in the show Doctor Who is not possible. The concept of time travel raises many complex questions and challenges, including paradoxes and violations of fundamental principles of physics. While some theories exist, such as wormholes and time dilation, they remain theoretical and far from practical application.

Is it possible to bend time or space?

Currently, there is no scientific evidence to suggest that it is possible to bend time or space in a way that is commonly depicted in science fiction. However, certain phenomena like gravitational fields can distort space-time, as described by Einstein's theory of general relativity. Time dilation also occurs in special relativity at very high speeds.