

Best Answer

Hickey's are bruises, plain and simple. They go away with time...If you're desperate, go try bruise remedies. Otherwise, use makeup.

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Q: Quick way to get rid of hickeys?
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There is no fast way to get rid of belly fat. The best thing to do is eat right and get plenty of exercise.

Why do guys give girls hickeys?

Some guys give girls hickeys as a way to mark their territory or show possession. It can also be a way to show affection or intimacy. However, it's important to remember that hickeys should always be consensual.

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Try ... Moisturizer Lotion Foundation

DO hickys show up on x rays?

Yes hickeys do show up on x-rays. and tooth paste does not get rid of them

How do you get rid of hickies?

There are no medical procedures to get rid of hickeys but there are several different home remedies that you can try. You can try applying ice to the hickey, brush the hickey with a toothbrush, and you can try massaging the area.

What is a quick easy was to remove hickeys?

There is no means to remove a hickey. It is a bruise and just like any bruise it will take a week or so to clear. Makeup may help hide it.

How do people get hickeys?

People get hickeys by sucking on their neck and causing blood to rise which causes the redness to appear.

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How can you get rid of stretch marks quick'?

To tell you the truth, there is no quick way to get rid of stretch marks. Conventional treatment with stretch mark creams takes about 8-12 weeks. Sometimes longer. There are some treatments with laser therapy and microdermabrasion but they will require several sessions each about a week apart before seeing any results. The only way to get it done quick is through surgery specifically abdominoplasty or "tummy tuck". But this will cost you a lot and time to recover from surgery.