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Respiratory alkalosis Respiratory alkalosis

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respiratory alkalosis

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Q: Ph 7.50 mmhg pco2 30 mmhg and hco3 25 meql what does this mean?
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What is the PCO2 of venous blood?

41-51 mmhg

Exchange of gases in the lungs?

blood entering the lungs has a partial pressure of oxygen (PO2) of 40 mmHg and a partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PCO2) of 46 mmHg; alveoli, on the other hand, have a PO2 of 105 mmHg and a PCO2 of 40 mmHg. As the blood moves past the alveoli, oxygen and carbon dioxide will diffuse down their respective partial pressure gradients. Oxygen will move from the alveolar space (PO2 of 105 mmHg) to the blood stream (PO2 of 40 mmHg). Carbon dioxide will move from the blood (PCO2 of 46 mmHg) to the alveolar space (PCO2 of 40 mmHg). As the blood leaves the alveolus, the PO2 and PCO2 will have essentially equilibrated with the alveolar air.

How does PCO2 level in blood affect the pH level in blood?

In healthy subjects the mean PCO2 fall 18 mm Hg from the baseline and mean PO2 rise 7 mmHg

What is co2 blood level?

CO2 in the blood stream can be measured from bicarbonate in the blood or pCO2 (partial pressure). Normal CO2 measured from bicarbonate is 22-28 mEq/L Normal pCO2 is 35-45 mmHg

Blood gases show pH is 7.23 pCO2 is 38 pO2 is 77 HCO3- is 12 what is the patient suffering from?

Metabolic acidosis

What is pco2 in atmosphere?

The pCO2 is the partial pressure of carbon dioxide in blood moving through the arteries of the human body. While it can be impacted by a high carbon dioxide concentration in the air being breathered, it is not a thing that is measured in connection with the atmosphere.Normal values o pCO2 in arterial blood are considered to be 35 - 45 mmHg.

What is an po?

Arterial PCO2 is the mean arterial pressure 20 to 26mmhg.

What is an arterial PO?

Arterial PCO2 is the mean arterial pressure 20 to 26mmhg.

Is Alveolar PCO2 identical to atmospheric PCO2?

No, it is higher or the CO2 would not move out of the lungs.

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The relative PO2 and PCO2 in pulmonary arteries and veins and systemic arteries and veins?

Pulmonary artery/Systemic veins PCO2 = 45 PO2 = 40 Pulmonary vein/Systemic arteries PCO2 = 40 PO2 = 100

When PCO2 declines bronchioles?
