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Q: Organelle where muscle proteins are manufactured?
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Which organelle is responsible for modifying proteins and lipids after they are manufactured?

Golgi Bodies

What cellular organelle contains protein?

proteins are manufactured by ribosomes in close assocition with endoplasmic reticulum. however the proteins are processed in Golgi bodies

Does the organelle synthesize proteins?

The organelle Rough Endoplasmic Protein synthesizes proteins.

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organelle that packages manufactured chemicals for transport out of the cell

Proteins are transported to other parts of the cell by using which organelle?

Proteins are transported to other parts of the cell by using which organelle

What is the cell organelle on which protein molecules are manufactured?

Proteins do not directly produced.First amino acid sequences produced in ribosomes.So ribosomes are considered as factories of protein production

What is a muscle striation made of?

The striations seen in skeletal muscle fibers are the result of the alignment of hundreds of myofibrils within each muscle fiber. A myofibril is a cylindrical organelle as long as the muscle fiber. Myofibrils contain bundles of myofilaments, which are actin proteins and myosin proteins. The differences in the thicknesses of the myofilaments accounts for the banding pattern of light and dark striations.

Which organelle synthenizes proteins?

The answer is ribosomes.

Which organelle sythesizes the proteins?


In what organelle are proteins are synthesized?

the ribosome

What produces proteins in the organelle?

Ribosomes produce the proteins needed in a cell

Is muscle an example of an organelle?

No, a muscle is an example of tissues.