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Auditory nerves are first relayed to the thalamus on the way to the temporal lobes auditory cortex. The thalamus is the gray matter between the cerebral hemispheres.

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Q: On the way to the temporal lobe's auditory cortex neural impulses from the auditory nerve are first relayed to the?
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Related questions

What is the function of the temporal lobe?

The portion of the cerebral cortex where auditory impulses are interpreted

Where is the primary auditory cortex is located?

The primary auditory cortex is located in the Temporal Lobe of the brain.

Where is the Location of auditory and vestibular cortex?

Auditory cortex is in the temporal lobe lateral fissure area.

The primary auditory cortex is located in the .?

the temporal lobe

What is the function of the auditory cortex?

The function of the auditory cortex is to process any auditory information that the cerebral cortex receives. The basic function of this system is hearing.

What carries the nerve impulses to the auditory cortex of the brain where they will be perceived sound?

The Auditory Nerve does this.

What cerebral lobe is the auditory cortex?

The visual cortex is located in the occipital lobe. The frontal lobe houses intellect, emotions, behavior and personality, and the parietal lobe houses sensation.

What is the auditory associated cortex?

Actually, the auditory associated cortex is a part of the brain located in the temporal lobe ( the bottom area ) which holds and stores your memory.

Where is the auditory cortex?

The primary auditory cortex, i.e. where the auditory signal first reach the cortex, is located on the Heshl's gyrus, on the supratemporal plane (the upper part of the temporal lobe). The auditory information then spreads to secondary auditory cortices located around primary the primary auditory cortex. Then the auditory signal diffuses to associative areas located in the parietal and frontal lobes.

The primary auditory cortex is located?

the temporal lobe

Is the hypothalamus is the area where afferent impulses from all senses and all parts of the body are sorted out and relayed to the appropriate area of the sensory cortex?


What part of the brain relates to smell?

temporal lobe (also hearing and memory and such) Actually, the temporal lobe is used for auditory processing and is home to the primary auditory cortex. It is the olfactory bulb.