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Q: Non specific reaction to tissue damage?
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What is a nonspecific defense reaction to tissue damage caused by injury or infection is known as?

The inflammatory response is a non specific defense reaction caused by tissue damage or infection.

Can damage to the left ventricle heal?

it depends on what type of damage. when the heart heals, instead of forming normal heart tissue, it forms non-contractile scar tissue. if you are asking if the heart can get stronger after its been damaged, the answer is yes. the heart has many compensatory mechinisms.

What is red blood cell diapedesis?

the passage of blood cells, esp. leukocytes, through the unruptured walls of the capillaries into the tissues.Leukocyte extravasation is the movement of leukocytes out of the circulatory system, towards the site of tissue damage or infection. This process forms part of the innate immune response, involving the recruitment of non-specific leukocytes. Monocytes also use this process in the absence of infection or tissue damage during their development into macrophages.

Is tissue biodegradable or non biodegradable?

tissue is biodegradable

What kind of tissue lines the insides of your cheeks?

Stratified Squamous Epithelium

What non vascular tissue covers an organ?

connective tissue, muscle tissue, nervous tissue and epithelial

Is tissue non living?


Is the dermis of the skin hematopoietic tissue?

No, the skin is non-haematopoietic tissue.

Why is it better to use recycled tissue than non recycled tissue?

Non-Recycled tissues. think about where they've been

What is a non-example of tissue?


What is a sentence for the word non vascular?

The plant is non vascular. Non vascular means a plant has no v-tissue (vascular tissue) and has no roots or stems. Like moss.

What is an example of a non-venous reaction?

A non venomous reaction is a reaction caused by non venous insects which bite in order to feed on your blood and usually inject anti-coagulant saliva.