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A waxy luster gives minerals a shiny appearance.

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Q: Luster is a characteristic of minerals that gives them a distinct appearance Which kind of luster gives minerals a shiny appearance?
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Related questions

What characteristic of a mineral does the term luster describe?

A waxy luster gives minerals a shiny appearance.

How are ore minerals distinct?

vitreous luster

Is luster a characteristic of a rock?

In geology, luster refers to the appearance of a mineral in respect to the reflection of light. Luster is not a term used to define the appearance of rock.

What is the difference between crystal and luster?

Luster is a property of minerals that describes their appearance. A crystal is the structure that minerals possess due to the arrangement of their atomic particles.

What is the appearance of a minerals surface judged by its brilliance and reflective abilities?


Why don't rocks have luster?

It's not exactly that rocks don't have luster/can't be shiny, but luster is a characteristic that we typically apply to minerals to help categorize and describe them. Rocks are made up of minerals so you may be able to spot some of the luster within a rock depending on the minerals it is made of.

Which characteristic is used to identify minerals?

You can test its hardness on other minerals to find it hardness. It can help classify it better.

What are five mineral characteristic?

There are a variety of characteristics of minerals. Some of these include color, streak, luster, density, hardness, cleavage, fracture, and tenacity.

Is luster a physical or chemical change?

Luster is not a change, it is a characteristic.

What is the difference between a crystal and luster?

Luster is a property of minerals that describes their appearance. A crystal is the structure that minerals possess due to the arrangement of their atomic particles.

Do all minerals have a glassy luster?

No, not all have glassy luster

How light reflects from a minerals surface?
