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In most cases, not. Insurers usually give you a 5-10 window to make payment and be re-instated. However during that time period you have no insurance.

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Q: Is there an allowable grace period for auto insurance premiums to be late in Oklahoma?
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What insurance policy requires payment of premiums to be paid for a specific time period?

They are called 'Limited Payment Life Insurance Policy' where premium has to be paid for a specific time period.

Is temporary car insurance something that goes on in Ohio?

You can get temporary auto insurance in Ohio if you ask your local agent for the short period premiums at Triple A auto insurance for instance or at Geico.

What is tax premium?

The tax amount which is paid on the premiums collected for a particular period by a insurance company which was to be paid to the state government.

How does a life insurance policy lapse?

A life insurance policy lapses when you stop paying premiums, or if cash value depletes and no more premiums are being able to be paid from the cash value. Usually, there are 30 or 60 days of grace period before lapsing.

What has caused or allowed life insurance premiums to drop?

There are a number of different reasons premiums for life insurance may drop over time. The premium for a life insurance policy is the amount you pay in return for the life insurance coverage on your life. The insurance company promises to pay out a death benefit to your beneficiary of you die, in return for your premiums you pay on your life insurance policy. Premiums are based on several factors, including your age, health, occupation, hobbies, lifestyle, if you smoke, driving record, credit history, height-to-weight ratio, etc. In addition, the type and amount of life insurance will have an affect on how much you pay for life insurance. What can lower life insurance premiums? Life insurance companies may lower their premiums over time if they have fewer claims, more people cancel their life insurance plans before dying, or people live for a longer period of time

When do you stop paying for whole life insurance?

Whole life insurance has a definite period during which premiums are paid. This will be specified in the policy. When first purchased, in addition to the amount of insurance selected, the purchaser selects the period of time that premiums will be paid. The amount of premium will depend both upon the amount of insurance and the length of time that premiums will be paid. Once the selections are made, assuming that the insurance company issues the policy on the terms that you have requested, the policy will state those. Once premiums have been paid for the stated period of time, the policy is considered to be "paid up", and no further premiums need to be made. A whole life policy also accumulates "cash value". This can be considered to be a sort of savings account within the policy. Every premium is allocated between the cost of the protection (the insurance itself) and the cash value. A point may be reached where the accumulated cash value, and the interest or dividends that it accrues, is enough to pay future premiums. If that happens, the obligation to pay premiums may end before the time stated in the policy.

How are Long term care premiums determined?

Long term care insurance premiums are determined based on various factors including the applicant's age, health status, desired coverage amount, and any optional features selected. Premiums may also vary depending on the insurance company, the state in which the individual resides, and the type of policy chosen. Generally, premiums are higher for older individuals and those with pre-existing health conditions.

What is modified whole life insurance and how is it different from regular life insurance?

Modified whole life is a whole life policy that charges smaller premiums for a specified period of time after which the premiums increase for the remainder of the policy. Whole life often can change unrpedicatably due to inflation.

What is non forfeiture?

It means that if you don't pay your premiums, then rather than the policy lapsing, it will be term insurance for a period of time, with no cash value.

Term life insurance is?

Term life insurance is a temporary life insurance which you can take out for a temporary period of say 5, 10, 15, 20 or 25 years. It is popular because the premiums are low and life insurance coverage is high. But it carries no cash value or surrender value. You must renew the insurance annually, otherwise it will lapse. If you have level term insurance, the premiums remain the same during the entire term period. There are various options for term life policies such as level term, Return on Premiums (ROP) etc. Term life insurance rates can vary from company to company. You can save quite a bit just by shopping around.

What is a group insurance?

Group insurance is typically offered at your job. It is a group of people paying considerably lower insurance premiums to the insurance company. Sometimes the lower premiums only apply to the employees, when you add on family members it can be expensive, depending on the size of the "group." Some employers will pay all of or a portion of the employee's premium, making it affordable to add on family members. Most of the time you will need to sign up for the insurance during an "open enrollement "period. In most cases, if you miss the open enrollment period you can't get the insurance until the next open enrollment period.

What is a group insurance plan?

Group insurance is typically offered at your job. It is a group of people paying considerably lower insurance premiums to the insurance company. Sometimes the lower premiums only apply to the employees, when you add on family members it can be expensive, depending on the size of the "group." Some employers will pay all of or a portion of the employee's premium, making it affordable to add on family members. Most of the time you will need to sign up for the insurance during an "open enrollement "period. In most cases, if you miss the open enrollment period you can't get the insurance until the next open enrollment period.