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The equator is an imaginary line which indicates where the middle of the earth is and it goes around.

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Q: Is the equator an imaginary line around which the earth rotates?
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What is the imaginary line the earth rotates around?

the equator.

Earth spins around an imaginary line called?

Earth spins on a imaginary line called an Axis that's what it rotates on aswell. An axis has an angel for the Earth to spin on. An Equator is another imaginary line.

What is the imaginary line around the earth that makes it spin?

There is no such line. The imaginary line through its centre is the axis, which the Earth rotates around; the imaginary line an equal distance from the poles is the equator. Neither make it spin - that is caused by momentum from the planet's formation.

The imaginary line around the middle of the earth?

the equator is the imaginary line around the earth.

What is the imaginary line around the centre of the earth?

The equator

What is the imaginary line drawn through the center of the Earth around which Earth rotates?


What do we call the imaginary line that circles the Earth's middle?

The horizontal line that goes around the "waist" of the Earth is the Equator. The vertical line that goes vertically around the Earth, through the poles, is the Prime Meridian.

10. Imaginary line that goes around the earth?


Is the equator is an imaginary line around which the earth is turning?


What does the Equator mean?

The Equator is the imaginary line around the Earth, halfway between the poles.

Is there a imaginary pole going through the earth call the equator?

No- the equator is an imaginary line running around the circumference of the earth's centre. The earth's axis is an imaginary pole which runs from the North Pole to the South Pole

What is an imaginary straight line around which an object such as earth rotates?

That would be the axis.