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There are a number of places in the body where the pressures are lower than atmospheric, or negative. For example,

1- When we breathe in (inspire) the pressure in the lungs must be lower than atmospheric pressure. The lung pressure during inspiration is a few centimeters of water negative.

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15y ago

Pleural pressure is always negative compared to atmospheric pressure. It does drop during inhalation, and returns to its prior state when you exhale. If you exhale forcefully, it might go a bit higher than otherwise, but stays negative anyway.

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14y ago

negative pressure:is a pressure less than surounding fluid(such as air)

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Q: Is the air in lungs negative pressure?
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When donning the protective mask expel the air from your lungs before performing?

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What two factors prevent the lungs from collapsing?

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When my diaphragm contracts and moves downward?

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