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In America and other countries where you drive on the right side of the road, the passenger side is the right side.

In countries where you drive on the left side of the road, such as England, the left side is the passenger side.

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Q: Is the Passenger side a car the right or left?
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Which side is the right side of the car?

right side of car is passenger side...left is driver But in some cars, driver seat is on the other side of the car. Sit behind the steering wheel, right is on your right.

Which side is the right side on a car?

In US cars (which drive on the right), the right side of the car is the passenger's side. In the UK and other places (where they drive to the left), the right side is where the driver sits.

Is the left side of the car the driver's side in the US?

Yes, standing behind the vehicle, the left is driver, right is passenger

The right side of the car is the driver side?

No, the right side of the car is the passenger's side.

Where is the right side of a US car?

The sides (left or right) of any vehicle in the US is always in relation to the seated driver. The right side therefore is the passenger side.

What side of the car is the right?

the passenger side

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centrifugal force

Is the left inner tie rod the drivers side or passenger side?

Left and right are determined while sitting in the front seat, so left is drivers side on a USA car.

What side is the regular gas on right or left at the pump?

Your gas tank will normally be on the drivers side of the car. On some foreign cars the tank is located on the left side (passenger) of the car. It depends on the maker.

Which is the right side of the car?

right side is usually always passenger side

Which is the right side of the car when ordering parts?

The passenger side is always the right side.

Is the driver side facing the car the right side?

If the car is designed to be driven on the right side of the road, when you stand in front of the car and look at the driver, the driver will be on your right. Left and right sides of the car are determined by sitting in the driver seat. I usually just refer to the car sides as driver side or passenger side so as not to confuse anyone.