

Is it safe to eat expired honey?

Updated: 12/14/2023
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11y ago

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Honey has natural preservative properties, and if stored properly, it can last for an incredibly long time. Honey found in ancient Egyptian tombs thousands of years old has been reported as still edible. The expiration date on honey is often more about quality than safety.

Honey may crystallize over time, becoming thicker and grainier, but this doesn't make it unsafe to eat. You can often return crystallized honey to a liquid state by gently warming it. Simply place the honey jar in warm water or microwave it at a low power setting, stirring occasionally until it becomes liquid again.

However, if honey shows signs of mold, fermentation, or an off smell, it's best to discard it. Mold growth can occur if water is introduced into the honey, or if the honey has been diluted. Fermentation might happen if the water content of honey increases, allowing yeast to grow and produce alcohol.

In summary, as long as your honey doesn't show any signs of spoilage, it should be safe to eat even if it has passed its expiration date. Always store honey in a cool, dry place, and keep the lid tightly closed to prevent moisture and contaminants from entering.

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11y ago

Yes. Honey never goes bad. It may crystallize or loose some of its vitamin potency, but it is not harmful to eat honey that is many years old.

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