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Q: Is it normal to have period pains when your not on your period?
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You are 26 weeks pregnant and are having what feels like period pains is this normal?

no it is not normal.

Is it normal to feel pains before menral period?

Yes. Ovulation can also hurt.

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Can being on heavy painkillers cause you to miss your period?

No, I've had heavypain killers to stop my period pains but they've been normal to me...

If im have your period and you have some pains like im pregnant can you take a test would it work?

This is just a normal period. There is no need to take a test

No period but have the pains?

A lot of Females do get that, it is usually just a sign that your period is on the way, its like practise pain, before the up-coming event. I've had they pains before but my period hasn't came yet this month. Its perfectly normal, just stay in bed and relax.

I am 15 weeks pregnant and getting period pains is this normal?

Yes, but if they get really bad go and see your doctor or midwife

Do all women have pains during their period?

No, not every women has pains during their period,but most do.

Are period pains and pregnancy pains the same?

Contractions feel like period pains on a whole new level. Imagine your worst period pain ever times at least 5. That's what labor pains feel like.

Period pains ten days before your period is due?

That's normal. Most people get a very painful stomach pain once in a while when your period is nearing. (or other symptoms that indicate that your period is starting soon) Some people experience pain, some people not and every person can have a different time when they start getting period pains.

Period Pains but no period blood?
