

Best Answer
from A Texas General AgentYes, They can do that, but only if you fail to declare him as driver or exclude him from coverage. You can still avoid having him on your policy by excluding him from your policy after the fact. Just complete a form 515A to exclude him from coverage. After filing the 515A with your insurer they are no longer allowed to place him on your policy nor charge you for it. They will also not be responsible if he subsequently has an accident in your vehicle. Since he already has his own insurance and the liability portion of an auto policy will follow the driver to a loaned vehicle, this should not be a problem, so long as he keeps up his payments on his own policy.

Many Insurers and Insurance Agents will not voluntarily disclose this information to you though. This is because Insurance agents work on commission, the larger your insurance bill, the more they make, any percentage of 2 dollars is more than the same percentage for 1 dollar .

Quite naturally having a 19 year old new driver on your policy will send your payments sky high. So they will always advise you to leave him on your policy and try to convince you it is for your own protection.

Most young male drivers will eventually suffer a loss of some type whether it be major or minor. Should they be driving on your insurance policy when this happens, Your premiums will increase accordingly for the next three to five years. again the more you pay the more they make.

If your insurer refuses to provide you with the necessary exclusion form, You should report them to your State Insurance Department as this would be considered an unethical practice and a means of gouging the public. I would also advise you to find another Insurance Company if you determine unethical practices on the part of your insurer.

I always advise my customers to place newly licensed young drivers on a separate policy of their own. This is to protect you, the Parent from unacceptable rate increases on your policy.

Yes, an insurance company will always want all the family members living in the same house on the policy, because it is their belief that eventually, there will come a time, when the son or daughter has to use the car just for one errand, and if they get into an accident, the company is going to immediately deny the claim. So, this is not only for the insurance company's protection, but yours as well since you would be stuck with the bills after they deny the claim. Any more questions, email me at Sean IL Licensed Insurance Producer

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Q: Is it legal for your auto insurance to add your 19yr old to your policy as a secondary driver knowing he owns his own car and has his own insurance?
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