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i say yes gets your sinus to drain

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Q: Is it healthy to force yourself to sneeze?
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Can you sneeze yourself to death?

I hope you cannot sneeze to death!

What is the most accurate way to make yourself sneeze I need to know within the next minute?

You can use pepper to make yourself sneeze. If you smell the pepper you will probably sneeze. The nose is very sensitive to pepper.

When you sneeze do you stop breathing for a second?

When you sneeze you do in fact stop breathing for a second. This is because of the force of the air going out.

Can you sneeze when you what to?

You can't voluntarily make yourself sneeze, it's an involuntary reflex. You could induce a sneeze, though, by sniffing dust or pepper or tickling your nose with something.

Is it better to sneeze or not to?

It's much better to let yourself sneeze. You sneeze because there's something inside your nose that isn't supposed to be there. When you sneeze, the air blasts out whatever was bothering your nose. Also, the pressure from holding in a sneeze could hurt your ears.

Can you make yourself sneeze?

shake some pepper in the air, and smell it

How do you protect yourself from infection from microorganisms?

cover your mouth and nose with a tissue/cloth when you sneeze

Why do cats sneeze a lot?

What happens if you sneeze in space?

the spray will fly around the ship And, being weightless, the force of your sneeze would most likely propel you backwards. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

What body function can reach 200 mph?

Cover your face, now... a sneeze. Incidentally, when you sneeze, it is impossible for you to keep your eyes open by force of will. Your eyes will close.

How is infection spread from a child in a nursery who has a cold to a child who is healthy?

um no der you sneeze or cough on someone xd

How do you force a sneeze when you feel one coming on but can't sneeze?

Try looking at a bright light or inhaling a strong scent like pepper or essential oils to stimulate the sneeze reflex. Gently rubbing the tip of your nose or drinking a carbonated beverage may also help trigger a sneeze.