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not really, it doesn't matter

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Q: Is it healthier to live in a colder house?
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What is colder a house in the city or a house by the seaside?

the house by the seaside

How do people live in the mountains?

People in the mountains live the same as people in the normal ground. But they probrably use warmer clothes because of their elivation it could get colder.

How does climate affect the type of house yo live in or the clothes you wear?

Climate influences the type of house you live in by dictating considerations like insulation, heating, and cooling needs. In colder climates, houses tend to have better insulation and heating systems. Similarly, climate affects the clothes you wear by prompting choices that provide warmth in colder regions or breathability in hotter climates.

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Do goldfish need an air filter to live?

No, but it helps them live longer and healthier.

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It helps you live a longer and healthier life!

Can alligators live in colder weather?

Yes, they can.

Why is your house warmer on the top and colder in the basement?

The house is warmer on top because heat rises.

What ocean does a crab live in?

Crabs live in all oceans but live in the colder parts of the water.

Why is it important to insulate your homes?

Because the insulation doesn't let heat escape, so your house will be warmer, and if you live in a colder climate, there will be no or little icycles on your house.

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you live longer and healthier

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You will live a longer healthier life