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Q: Is it better to have dark hair or light hair to prevent skin cancer?
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Dark chocolate can help prevent it but not sure about milk chocolate.

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Well what i researched it helps to prevent cancer but doctors are not calling it a cure.

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It will grow better in the light

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The layer in the eye that contains dark pigment to absorb extra light and keep the inside of the eye dark is the choroid layer. The melanin pigment in this layer helps prevent light from scattering inside the eye, allowing for better vision and reducing glare.

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they actually do like light

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A 14-foot boat operating under oars after dark must show white light to prevent a collision.

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all plants grow better in light :)

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light colors

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Almost all plants grow better in light than dark so an apple tree best grows in light.

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both are ok, I think light skin looks better.

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Dark colors absorb heat from light better.

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they like the dark that's why they go in the dirt