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No. Barium 137 is stable and is not a radioisotope.

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Jayden Nunez

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Q: Is iodine 131 a more stable radioisotope than barium 137?
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Is iodine -131 a more stable than barium -137?

Iodine 131 has a half-life of 8.0197 days. Barium has no half-life. So no, Iodine-131 is not more stable than barium-137.

What is the form of a element that is progressing toward a more stable state by emitting radiation is called?


What are the advantages and disadvantages of strong iodine solution from tincture of iodine?

Unlike the iodine solution in water, the tincture of iodine keeps the iodine molecules in the solution in a more stable way, hence the latter has a lower probability to sublime and get out of the system.

What iodine makes?

Iodine is reactive because it has 7 valence electrons and is unstable. It needs one more electron to get 8, which would give it a noble gas configuration, and which would make the iodine atom stable. Iodine reacts with other elements in order to gain the needed electron and therefore become stable.

Does oxygen and barium form an ionic compound?

Barium can form two distinct compounds with oxygen as the only other element in the compound: barium oxide with formula BaO and barium peroxide with formula BaO2. The first of these compounds is more common and more stable.

Which is more reactive barium or cesium?

if you mean pure barium as in barium metal then yes it is very reactive if you left a piece of it out in the open air over night it would turn to a pile of white barium oxide and other various compounds

What makes iodine reactive?

Iodine is reactive due to its ability to readily gain or lose electrons. It has a strong tendency to accept an electron, making it a good oxidizing agent. Additionally, iodine can form stable compounds with various elements and molecules, which further contributes to its reactivity.

As the atoms of the iodine react to form molecules of iodine the stability of iodine would do what?

The stability increases because Iodine has 7 valence electrons but when it bonds with another iodine atom it can share an electron (non polar covalent bond) and fill it's highest sub level making it more stable.

How much time is needed for radioisotope to decay into its stable daughter product?

There is no one answer for an individual atom, but for a given radioisotope we usually quantify the rate of decay via the half-life, i.e. the average time it takes for half of the atoms of an isotope to decay. Realizing that some isotopes will decay to another radioisotope before eventually decaying to a stable product, this can get even more complicated. In mathematical terms the equation for concentration of the radioisotope approaches zero asymptotically. The math says that you will never get zero concentration - but of course atoms are discrete entities so that once the concentration predicted by the math drops below one atom, you have reached zero in the real world.

Which is more reactive barium magnesium or beryllium?

Ba; Barium

Elements in Group 1 become more stable by what an electron?

Elements in group two become more stable as they all have complete electron shell.They do not have valence electrons and hence they are less reactive.Some of the elements of group 2 are Barium,Magnesium and Calcium

Why these iodine form an ion with a charge of -1?

iodine has 7 electrons in the valence shell. and needs one more electron to attain stable noble gas configuration. So it gains one electron and forms iodide ion with charge of -1.