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Yes duplication of chromosomes occurs during the first stage of meiosis or during prophase.

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Q: Is duplication of paired chromosomes in the first stage of meiosis?
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What is the first thing chromosomes do in meiosis?

have babies

What will separate in the first division in meiosis one?


When do chromosomes replicate?

Chromosomes replicate in the first stage of mitosis or meiosis-interphase

How does the appearance of the chromosome change through division?

first it becomes two chromatids, then during prophase, chromosomes condense from long strands into rod like structures. During METAPHASE paired chromatids align at the cell's equation. Then during ANAPHASE the paired chromatids separate and move to the opposite side of the cell. During TELOPHASE a nuclear membrane forms around each set of chromosomes, and the chromosomes decondense.

Who was it that first identified chromosomes as existing in pairs and then separating during meiosis?

by you

What must happen before meiosis or mitosis can take place?

Before Meiosis 2, the cell must first go through Meiosis 1. This is when the cell splits into two cells, each with two chromosomes.

What stage of meiosis is the chromosome number reduced?

In Anaphase I

How meiosis reduces the number of chromosomes by half?

First of all you get a haploid number of chromosomes which is 23 from your mom and 23 from your dad which creates a diploid cell, which is the first body cell of a human, then the cell divides once and there is DNA replication which forms 2 cells then it divides again but DNA is not replicated and you get 4 haploid cells which is half. I KNOW THIS CAUSE I LEARNED IT A FEW WEEKS AGO IN SCIENCE 9!! HOPE I HELPED... =)

What happens during the first division of meiosis that does not happen in meiosis?

In Meiosis I: Separates homologous chromosomes In Meiosis II: Separates sister chromatids

What is the number of chromosomes in daughter cells in humans meiosis?

The number of chromosomes in daughter cells in human meiosis is 23. During meiosis, the number of chromosomes in the parent cells (sperm and egg cells) is halved to produce haploid daughter cells, which contain half the number of chromosomes as the parent cells.

What is the separation of homologous pairs of double chromosomes during meiosis?

the stage is called the "first division"

Is homologous chromosomes only present in cells that undergo meiosis?

Usually they dont as homologous chromosomes form bivalents with other homologous chromosomes and crossing over occurs between the 2. But if a chiasmata does form between the t homologous chromosomes they can change information.