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Coins are made of metal/ metal alloys. That's all they contain.


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Q: Is carbon dating possible in coins?
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Related questions

Why is carbon -14 dating useless for dating old coins but not old pieces of cloth?

No carbon in coins. Plenty of carbon in old cloth.

Why is carbon 14 dating useless for dating old coins but not old pieces of cloth?

No carbon in coins. Plenty of carbon in old cloth.

Can carbon dating measure old iron?

It is not possible.

How do you do carbon dating at home?

Accurate carbon dating requires specialized and extremely expensive equipment to measure the ratio of carbon 13-carbon 14. Due to this, it is not possible to do carbon dating at home unless you happen to have a mass spectrometer lying around.

Does carbon dating measure a 7000 year old body?

Yes, it is possible.

Why is carbon 14 dating useless for dating old coins?

Think about it for a minute. Carbon is part of ORGANIC molecules, from living things like plants and animals. When an organism dies the different isotopes of carbon gradually deteriorate; the difference in rates is what enables C-14 dating to give an approximate date range for when the organism was last alive. So the bottom line, naive answer to your question is another question - how many coins were once alive?

What type of fossil dating uses half life to determine age?

Radiocarbon dating is a technique that uses the decay of carbon-14.

What is radioisotope carbon dating?

Carbon 14 is the isotope that is used for carbon dating.

Are carbon dating and radiocarbon dating the same?

Yes, carbon dating and radiocarbon dating refer to the same method of dating archaeological objects by measuring the decay of the isotope carbon-14.

What is the antonym of carbon dating?

Either non-carbon dating, if that's what you mean, or nothing. But technically, there is no real antonym of "carbon dating".

What kind of dating is Carbon-14 an example of?

Carbon-14 is an example of radioactive dating.

What is another name for carbon dating?

It can be known as 'Radiocarbon dating' or 'Carbo-14 dating'.