

Best Answer

Bobby Jones, the Grammy Award winning Gospel singer, is not known to be homosexual. He currently married to Ethel Jones, from which it may be concluded that he is heterosexual.

You can not conclude that he is heterosexual just because he is married to a woman. Actions speak louder.

Open letter to Dr. Bobby Jones

Dr. Bobby Jones

P.O. Box 190681

Nashville, TN 37219

Dr. Jones,

As we have become aware of your appearance in the homosexual movie Dirty Laundry, we thought it prudent to bring to your attention just how many people are deeply offended by your participation and "enthusiastic" endorsement of this movie's message. What's more, you have made statements which contradict the truth of God.

You have brought great shame to the Body of Christ and its time you humbled yourself, believed the gospel and repented for the time is fulfilled and the kingdom of God is at hand (Mark 1:14-15). We have been inundated with messages from people who have said they were and are disgusted by your conduct and had no other choice but to not watch your show. Do not think that your popularity is with people who do not know the difference between what is holy and unholy. You are being carried by those whose god is flesh, talent and popularity. This has nothing to do with the gospel of Jesus Christ, but rather is a reflection of your own selfish desires. Dr. Jones, the best thing to do is just rename your show the Bobby Jones Talent Hour. That would best describe what you currently do.

You claimed that you are "too intelligent" to know that homosexuality "isn't entirely behavioral." Where did the scriptures tell you that? Is your alleged intelligence greater than that of God who created man in his image and likeness? Does your education eclipse that of the Almighty? Does your intelligence prevent you from seeing what is clearly revealed in scripture or do you despise God's word and its truth? God and His relationship with Isreal in the Old Testament was never characterized as a same gender relationship. Neither is Christ's relationship to the church in the New Testament. Yet, you ignore this forward truth and instead in your "intelligence", claim that unnamed "talk shows" and "experts" have been the basis of your beliefs.

From that, we can deduce that you have indeed been deceived. We call on you to ask God and His church for forgiveness that you have allowed the enemy to use you to influence people against the truth.

Dr. Jones, your participation and endorsement of the evil message of this movie and those responsible for it, breaches the standards of righteousness established by God. By aligning yourself with individuals who revel in sexual immorality against the good and perfect will of God, you've demonstrated that you do not represent Christ, but your own error-laden ideology. Further, this should be considered antithetical to the cause of Christ. He came to reconcile man to God through love and obedience.

Please don't think that your popularity with certain people, your alleged high media ratings and your longevity in front of the camera are beyond the rebuke of God. According to Romans 2:4, He is -in mercy- simply allowing you time to repent. God has pulled down much greater people with much greater accomplishments simply for denying Him the glory due to His name. The alleged "rift" between the homosexual community and the church is nothing more than a trojan horse issue. The rift occurs first with God, whose standards of sexual morality the gay christian and political movements seem to eschew. You cannot heal that which is reproachable to God. And you cannot reconcile the church with sin. There is to be no peaceful co-existence of the two. The more pressing need is that you recognize that you have been in error for far too long and that it is time for you to make a change. We will no longer be silent while you priss, primp and pretend that you are representing the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Sadly, your "fans" in the gospel music industry have feted you as an "ambassador". You should know that the praises of men are deceptive in that they seek to exalt self above the throne of God. The consequence is a great fall. A true ambassador would only represent the interests of the one who has sent him. Your actions, comments and public lifestyle clearly show that you have not been sent by God.

Lest you and those who have emboldened you to make these decisions think otherwise, our admonition should not be construed as hate, but clear admonition directed by scripture. We do not claim to have any enforcement, that is in God's hands alone. It is your choice to weigh it in the balance and make amends.


Gay Christian Movement Watch

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12y ago

Bobby Rydell is not gay. I went out with him before he married Camille.

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12y ago

Bobby Jones, the Grammy Award winning Gospel singer, is not known to be homosexual. He currently married to Ethel Jones.

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12y ago

Bobby Jones is not gay he is happly married and has a step dauater

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12y ago

If his wifie likes it, why should we care? He seems to be happy. Isn't that's what life's about, happiness? Why are we so afraid of happy people? That should be the question, is he/she happy?

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14y ago

Ask Michael Rodriguez or John Paulus?

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13y ago

Doesn't matter either either way

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john pinkney

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3y ago

Bollocks, he lives is life in the lime light

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