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Q: Is alongside the river gleamed a green ribbon of meadow a simile or metaphor?
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What is a metaphor for stream?

A metaphor for a stream could be "a ribbon of liquid silver," emphasizing its flowing and reflective qualities.

Why was the metaphor the road was a ribbon of moonlight effective?

Ur also dumb

Is The road was a ribbon of moonlight a metaphor?

yes it is, the subject is the road which is compared to the moonlight.

Is a muscled ribbon an allusion?

No, a muscled ribbon is not typically seen as an allusion. It is more likely a metaphor or a descriptive phrase used in a literal sense to convey a specific image or idea.

When the road was a gypsy ribbon figure of speech in this line?

The phrase is a metaphor comparing the lonely, curving road over a desolate moor to a sleek, curled or twisting ribbon, perhaps bright yellow in the moonlight. The Romany people ("Gypsies") are known for their colorful traditional costumes and have a reputation, unearned or not, for being thieves. This excerpt is from the poem, "The Highwayman," by Alfred Noyes, and tells the tragic love story of a robber and his sweetheart.

Is the moon was a ghostly galleon tossed upon cloudy seas the road was a ribbon of moonlight over the purple moor is a metaphor?

Yes it is :]

Metaphor in a sentence?

A classic metaphor from Shakespeare is the following, suggesting a theatre stage as a metaphor for the human world: : All the world's a stage, : And all the men and women merely players; : They have their exits and their entrances. A more modern everyday metaphor would be "The road ahead was a ribbon of moonlight" or "John is my knight in shining armour"

Would you please give me an example of a metaphor?

"I'll burn that bridge when I get to it." "It's been a hard day's night." "The river was a ribbon of death."

What does the metaphor the road was a ribbon of moonlight over the purple moor mean?

It is dicribing the appearance of the road. The ribbon just means that the road isnt straight. It is a curvy or complicated path.

How do you write 5 sentences using metaphor?

'Proffering the olive branch' is a metaphor for trying to establish peace by giving someone a gift. The Bald eagle is a metaphor for strength, swiftness, and foresight in many cultures. The road was a ribbon of moonlight. The winds were a torrent of madness. The ocean's waves attacked the shore.

What is the gymnastics event with the ribbons?

There is a ribbon which is the thing at the end of the ribbon stick. It is connected by this hook which holds the ribbon. So the "ribbon" is called a ribbon :)

What color is a sixth place ribbon in the us?

The purple ribbon The first place ribbon is blue in the United States. The second place ribbon is red in the United States. The third place ribbon is yellow in the United States. The fourth place ribbon is white in the United States. The fifth place ribbon is pink in the United States. The sixth place ribbon is green in the United States. The seventh place ribbon is purple in the United States. The eighth place ribbon is brown in the United States. The first place ribbon is red in Cananda. The second place ribbon is blue in Cananda. The third place ribbon is white in Cananda. The fourth place ribbon is yellow in Cananda. The fifth place ribbon is green in Cananda. The sixth place ribbon is pink in Cananda. The seventh place ribbon is purple in Cananda. The eighth place ribbon is brown in Cananda.