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Q: Is a supervisor and responsibility for Mishap Reporting and Investigation immediately following an accident or injury?
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Yes. Both restricted and unrestricted reporting require investigations. Its a matter of who knows why and the results of the investigation that changss.

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One supervisor to five reporting elements is recommended.

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Yes. Both restricted and unrestricted reporting require investigations. Its a matter of who knows why and the results of the investigation that changss.

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You can report an incorrect answer at wikianswerscom by reporting the error to the category supervisor.

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What is the best approach to Cyber bullying?

Best Approach to CyberbullyingOn WikiAnswers, the best approach to cyberbullying is to report the cyberbully to a supervisor, who will then take appropriate action to stop the bullying. Don't try to deal with the cyberbully yourself, but report cyberbullying immediately. Reporting cyberbullying immediately is what should be done on other sites as well.