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Q: Is Venus' temperature fairly uniform over the entire planet both day and night?
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Is Venus' a warm of cold planet?

The surface temperature of Venus is highly uniform, about 462 °C (about 736 K/864 °F)

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It would get colder and less windy because weather is a result of temperature difference in the equator and poles. If the entire planet is colder then there is less temperature difference.

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What is the temperature on venues?

The average temperature on Venus is about 464 °C (867°F).It is this hot because it is the second planet from the sun, and has what scientists call a 'runaway greenhouse' effect. A thick layer of clouds (carbon dioxide and some sulfuric acid) covers the surface and traps infrared radiation, raising the surface temperature of the planet.The movement of the atmosphere gives the entire planet a nearly uniform temperature all year long, even at the poles and even at night. 900 degrees Fahrenheit The temperature at the surface of Venus is 740 K (467 °C, 872 °F). 750 to 930 degrees Fahrenheit (398 to 498 Celsius).The temperature doesn't vary much on the planet.The averagevalue is about 460 degrees Celsius.

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the temperature of planet saturn is -172C

Is venus the 2nd hardest planet?

No, we do not have a measure for the hardness of an entire planet.

Does the black dwarf have a higher surface temperature than a blue main sequence star?

No, a black dwarf would have a fairly low temperature, for a star; scarcely hot enough to glow. Way hotter than a planet, but not all THAT much hotter.

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Planet Earth.

How does changing a planet's albedo change a planet's temperature?

If you increase the albedo, more solar radiation will be reflected back into space and so the temperature will be lowered.

Why is climate change a global problem?

Climate change is a global problem as it affects the entire globe. Carbon dioxide does not recognize international boundaries. Increasing concentrations of greenhouse gasses affect the entire planet, as it requires only months for gas dispersal to accomplish fairly thorough mixing.

Which of planet has the higher temperature?

Venus in the hottest planet in our solar system. It has an average temperature of around 900 degrees Fahrenheit.