The Latitude of New Zealand is closer to the south pole than the island state of Tasmania, Australia. This doesn't mean that New Zealand is closer to Antarctica it's self. Due to the shape of Antarctica, Tasmania is in fact 50 km closer to its land mass than New Zealand.
Yes, New Zealand is on the Sydney side of Australia. You would see that if you were smart enough to look on a map!
New Zealand is better than Australia at Rugby.
New Zealand is significantly more mountainous than Australia. The Australian continent is relatively flat.
Africa is closer to South America than it is to Australia.
New Zealand is closer to the South Pole than Australia. The South Pole is about 4,500 kilometers from New Zealand and about 5,500 kilometers from Australia.
The UK is the closer.
The southern most tip of South America is the nearest major land mass to Antarctica.
Yes, New Zealand is on the Sydney side of Australia. You would see that if you were smart enough to look on a map!
Kiwi are found only in New Zealand, and New Zealand is located about 2000km southeast of Australia. Kiwi are certainly closer to Australian than animals in most other countries of the world.
New Zealand is better than Australia at Rugby.
is new zealand better than australia at cricket
The Arctic Circle marks an area north of the Equator, and the Antarctic Circle marks an area south of the Equator, where there is at least one 24-hour period annually of no sunrise or sunset.
New Zealand is significantly more mountainous than Australia. The Australian continent is relatively flat.
Thailand is closer to Australia than South America.
Oceanic is closer to Australia then the others yes.