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It means that one will not have sexual relations with someone they are not married to.

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Q: In the 10 commandments what does you shall not commit adultery mean?
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What does the word 'statutes' mean in the bible?

Laws, commandments

What does adultery mean in the bible?

Sexual relations outside of marriage such as sexual intercourse, and similar acts.

What the number 10 significant mean in the bible?

The number 10 stands for the ten commandments.

What does the Spirit of the LORD shall rest upon him mean?

It means that "he"(or she) will be filled with the Spirit of the Lord.

What does the word KILL mean in the Bible?

One of the shortest and most simple of the Ten Commandments is "You shall not kill". "You shall not kill" is indeed pretty simple. Any questions?Well of course there are questions. Even Dirty Harry said "some people need killing." Killing is what the religions of "the Book" do best when push comes to shove. Both say "You shall not kill," and yet both kill, often and with great enthusiasm at times. Actually all religions that have exclusive ownership of the Deity's truth are killers when they just have to be to get the Gospel spread. What "You shall not kill," tends to mean is "each other," but that also proves, in fact, to be a joke.AnswerIn the Ten Statements, there is the statement "Thou shall not murder". It does not say kill, that is a mistranslation. The word 'kill' means the same thing in the Bible that it does in today's language. According to the Tanach (Jewish Bible), murder is an unjustified form of killing. However, the Tanach also specifies that killing in self-defense when you are being attacked without warrant or in defense of an innocent is allowed and is not considered murder.

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What are values protected by 7th commandment?

The values protected by the 7th commandment are in reference to adultery. The commandment reads, "Thou shall not commit adultery". This mean that you should not have sex with someone else if you are married.

What does you shall not commit adultery mean?

Having sex outside of marriage, either yours, or your partner's or that of you both. Felt I needed to correct this answer because it's not at all true how God sees adultery. The bible tells us that in God's eyes it is even wrong to lust within our hearts. You can commit adultery even if you don't commit a sexual act. It's sharing a sexual or intimate bond (something you wouldn't do with that person if your spouse was around) with someone other than your spouse. If you are taking away your gift of intimacy a married couple is supposed to have, whether it is sexual, physical, mental, or emotional, if you are taking that from your marriage and giving it to someone other than your spouse, you have committed adultery. Give honor to marriage, and remain faithful to one another in marriage. God will surely judge people who are immoral and those who commit adultery. - Hebrews 13:4

What is the implicit meaning of thou shall not commit adultery?

The ordinary meaning of the words of the commandment "Thou shall not commit adultery" is that a married person of either sex shall not have sexual relations with any person other than his or her spouse, but the implicit meaning of these words can be found in the commandment "Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife ..." Together they imply that it was not permitted to have sexual relations with another Israelite's wife, but that there was no objection to sexual relations with a single woman or, since 'neighbour' was usually used to mean an Israelite, perhaps even the wife of a gentile.Of course, in modern Jewish and Christian usage alike, it is the ordinary meaning of the words that must be considered.

What does the Bible mean by 27thou shall not covet thy neighbour27s wife27?

It simply means that You should not sleep with your neighbor's wife because it is an act of Adultery

Is adultery a crime in Canada?

Yes. There are different Levels which may be placed on the person who commited it so it can mean from a mere fine to years in jail. Only a handful of states still have a criminal adultery statute and most of them have ceased to prosecute individuals who commit adultery due to the high costs of such proceedings and the difficulty in actually proving that sexual intercourse took place and Many other States have abolished the criminal statute altogether..Adultery remains a civil offense in all 50 states..

Can a husband pay for adultery?

You said "Can" a husband pay for Adultery. What do you mean? Should he, could he or will he???

What does the term fornication mean?

The term "fornication" is a term that religious people give to the consensual sexual intercourse between two unmarried individuals. Another definition is to commit illicit sexual intercourse which includes adultery.

What does the Bible say about messing around?

Answer Thou Shall Not Cheat. That quote comes from the Ten Commandments and depending on what you mean about messing around, it could probably fall under that Commandmant.

What does it mean to take the Ten Commandments to heart?

That you will follow the ten commandments. In other words, they will not just 'go in one ear and out the other' but you will think about them, understand them, and seeking God's help, do what they say where applicable. The 'heart' is just another way of referring to 'what makes us tick' in terms of who we are, our personality.

What was the three things Jesus told the young man that he must do to inherit eternal life?

In Matthew 19:18-20 Jesus quoted the five commandments dealing primarily with peoples' relationships with one another, climaxing them by saying, "You shall love your neighbor as yourself." Selfishly the man boasted that he had always kept these commandments. Jesus then exposed the man's failure to love his neighbor as himself by telling him to sell all his possessions and give the money to the poor. Then he should come to Jesus and follow Him. Jesus did not mean that this man could have been saved by selling his possessions and giving the proceeds to charity. There is only one way of salvation-faith in the Lord. Mat 19:16 Now behold, one came and said to Him, "Good Teacher, what good thing shall I do that I may have eternal life?" Mat 19:17 So He said to him, "Why do you call Me good? No one is good but One, that is, God. But if you want to enter into life, keep the commandments." Mat 19:18 He said to Him, "Which ones?" Jesus said, " 'YOU SHALL NOT MURDER,' 'YOU SHALL NOT COMMIT ADULTERY,' 'YOU SHALL NOT STEAL,' 'YOU SHALL NOT BEAR FALSE WITNESS,' Mat 19:19 'HONOR YOUR FATHER AND YOUR MOTHER,' and, 'YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF.' " Mat 19:20 The young man said to Him, "All these things I have kept from my youth. What do I still lack?" Mat 19:21 Jesus said to him, "If you want to be perfect, go, sell what you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me."

What are the 10 conmanments?

1) You shall have no other gods before the one true God. 2) You shall not make any idols in the form of anything. You shall not bow down to them in worship. (Don't put anything before God) 3) You shall not misuse the name of the Lord. (Don't say "oh my go_" or "I swear to _ _ _" or "_ _ _ dam_ it" 4) You shall keep the Sabbath day holy. Six days you shall labor but the seventh is a day of rest. (Don't work on Sundays) 5) You shall honor your father and mother. 6) You shall not murder. (Murder is to take someone's life with no reason. Kill would mean in battle when fighting for your country. This does not apply to war, but it does apply to abortion.) 7) You shall not commit adultery. (Don't cheat on your spouse) 8) You shall not steal. 9) You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor. (Don't lie) 10) You shall not covet your neighbor's wife or set your desires od your neighbor's house or land. (Don't be jealous of thing people have that you don't)

What did adultery mean in the ten commandments?

A:In the context of early Judaism, adultery had a rather different and narrower meaning to the term today. It meant sexual relations with another Jew's wife. A man could have sex with a single girl without committing adultery, or even take a second wife. There was also no prohibition against sex with a married woman outside of Judaism. Today, the term 'adultery' applies equally when a married man or a married woman has sex with someone who is not his or her spouse, and the seventh Commandment is considered to apply.