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In Texas, Drivers are required to carry minimum liability limits for both property damage and personal injury to another.

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Q: In Texas drivers are required by law to carry at least in automobile liability insurance for property damage.?
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Can you have liability only car insurance in Kansas?

There are three types of automobile insurance coverage required in the state of Kansas. These include liability, personal injury and uninsured.

Is property damage liability car insurance required?

Property damage liability insurance is to cover the damage you may cause to someone else's property. Different states have different car insurance requirements and regulations. Further, some people get larger property liability insurance coverage than the minimum requirements.

Is auto theft covered by liability insurance in Colorado?

No. Liability insurance covers damage you do to someone else's property. Theft would be covered by comprehensive insurance. In most jurisdictions, liability insurance is required but comprehensive is not.

Is it mandatory to have car insurance in the US?

Automobile liability insurance is mandated by state law in most states. In New Hampshire, however, it is not required.

What is the minimum amount of auto insurance I can have in the state of California?

California does have minimum requirements for the amount of automobile insurance that you need to carry. You are required by the state to cover Bodily Injury/Death Liability of one person ($15,000), Bodily Injury/Death Liability of two persons ($30,000), and Property Damage of $5,000.

How much car insurance do you really need in Massachusetts?

You are required by law to carry Compulsary Insurance Only. This would be Liability and Property Damage. I believe the current limits are 20/40 Liability and 5,000 Property Damage.

Where can I get liability car insurance?

Liability coverage (often simply called "liability") protects you from damage you do to others or to property in an accident. Some level of auto liability insurance coverage is required in all 50 states - get info for your state's auto liability insurance coverage requirements here.

What type of insurance is required on cars in Alabama?

Alabama's one of the states that requires minimum liability insurance. Alabama stipulates that an individual who has minimum liability insurance must have insurance that will cover the following Bodily Injury Liability: $25,000/$50,000 Limit Property Damage Liability: $25,000 Limit.

Is liability for auto insurance required by the state of Utah?

Liability insurance is the minimum coverage you can get and is required in every state.

What does pd insurance stand for?

PD insurance stands for Property Damage. It is a portion of the liability insurance required by most states. This is the part of the policy that will pay for damage that the insured vehicle caused to another person's property, such as a vehicle or some other property.

What are the minimum automobile insurance requirements for California?

The only coverage you are required to have is liability. The limits must be set at $15,000 per person for bodily injury. $30,000 total bodily injury coverage per occurrence and only $5,000 for property damage.

What are the requirements for Michigan car insurance?

In Michigan you are required to have auto insurance or face fines and jail time. You will need personal injury protection, property protection and residual bodily injury and property damage liability insurance.