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The answer is "it depends." I know of no insurance companies that issue policies "to drive any vehicle" ... automobile insurance, at least in the USA, is based on the car being driven. In that case, the insurance is actually on the automobile, not on the driver. Therefore, an uninsured car would not be insured regardless of the driver. There may be exceptions, depending on the underwriter and the particular policy involved.

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Q: If you have an insurance policy to drive any vehicle would you still be insured to drive a car that is not insured by the owner?
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If i am insured and drive a vehicle belonging to someone that is not insured am i covered through my policy?

No. * i say Depends on your policy. Call your insurance person.

Can you drive your dad's fully comprehensive insured car with his permission?

It depends how old are you and whether or not you are an insured driver under the terms of the terms of your Dad's insurance policy. Your Dad's insurance agent can tell you if you are insured to drive the vehicle.

Can you be fined for driving someone else car if they do not have insurance?

not if you are personally insured to drive that vehicle on your own policy

Is it legal for a resident of the same household to drive an insured vehicle if they are not specifically covered under that policy?

You can drive an insured vehicle if you're not on the policy because when the police pull you over they are looking to see if you have insurance on the car. But to answer the question...NO, it's not legal to drive the insured vehicle if your not on the policy. As always, check with your insurance agent, but anyone driving the auto with the policy owner's permission should be covered. However, ALL licensed drivers residing in the household are supposed to be listed on the policy.

If you have liability insurance on one vehicle are you insured if you drive another vehicle?

Auto insurance typically covers the car, not the driver. So, if you have insurance on your vehicle, but you drive another vehicle that doesn't have insurance, you are not protected by your policy if you have an accident in that other vehicle. However, if you have insurance on your vehicle, and you lend it to a driver (from another household) who does not have his or her own insurance, they will be covered by your policy while they are driving your car.

You are insured also a named driver to drive your car iam looking to get anoter car as well will you need another policy to drive additinal car?

No, You just call your insurance company and have the newly acquired vehicle added to your existing policy, otherwise the vehicle is considered Un-Insured

Can a uninsured licensed driver drive a insured drivers car?

The rules and laws of insurance vary from state to state but generally speaking it is the automobile that is insured not the driver. So if your friend allows you to drive her insured car and you are involved in an accident you are covered under her policy(((IF her insurance policy does not stipulate restrictions banning unlicensed drivers from operating the vehicle))) in which case her insurance may not cover damages done to her vehicle or injuries to the unlicensed driver.

Who is covered under your insurance policy Will your insurance cover your niece to drive your car?

Yes, if she has not been previously excluded in writing. If she is going to be a regular operator of the vehicle then she needs to be listed as an operator on the policy. An automobile insurance policy coveres named insured, family and anyone who with PERMISSION drives the vehicle.

Can i drive someone else's vehicle that has no insurance on it but mine does?

You would probably be insured for liability, but the car would not be insured for collision. However, to be sure, you should call your agent or read your policy.

Are you insured if you drive someone else's car?

that depends on their insurance policy

Can someone else drive your car?

Yes, if they have a licence, also they have to be insured on your car. Or they have to have a special insurance so you can drive others car. Hope I helped even though i dont drive.In the UK - if you have a valid policy of comprehensive motor insurance on your own own motor vehicle you will often be insured to drive third party in another person's vehicle, Clearly you would need the consent of the other vehicle owner and you should check your own policy of motor insurance. To see the different types of motor insurance policy in the UK - notably the difference between comprehensive and third party see the link entitled - "Car accident Insurance".

If your insured with one company and you drive another vehicle that's insured by another company and you get into an accident wich insurance company pays for it?

The Owners Vehicle Policy offers primary first pay coverage. Any policy carried by the driver would invoke as secondary coverage.