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That depends, because there are many different insurance coverages. You'll need to check your own car insurance policy and see if it covers you AND any car that you are driving. If you can't find that information anywhere in the policy then check with your insurance broker and ask. Sorry, but without actually reading YOUR policy that's the best answer I can give.

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Q: If you drive a car with no insurance are you legally intitled to drive it on your car insurance?
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What car insurance is legally required in Tennessee?

It is required to have liability car insurance to legally drive in Tennessee.

Can you drive a car in Virginia wiyhout car insurance?

Not legally

Can you get car insurance on a car you don't own with no licence?

No because you cannot legally drive.

Age to buy car insurance?

your only required to have insurance if you are legally licened to drive a car. check with your local DMV and/or highway patrol.

What do you need to know if you only want to drive legally?

If you want to drive legally you must have a valid drivers license. If you are asking about car insurance you must check with your state and ask what the state minimum for auto insurance is.

Can you get car insurance without a driver's license?

No. You cannot legally drive so they would not cover you.

Do I get a discount on my car insurance if I have a Commercial Drivers License (CDL)?

No you do not get a discount on car insurance if you have a CDL. This license just allows you to legally drive certain vehicles.

What are some cheap car insurance places for a 18 year old unlicensed driver?

You cannot get car insurance if you do not have a license because you cannot legally drive.

Is quick car insurance a good insurance?

Not necessarily. You will have your car covered at that particular moment and enable you to legally drive, but when you have an accident you may regret not reviewing other options.

Sonis 16 with license but no car is he required to have insurance?

In most states he will have to be added as a driver on your insurance if you want him to be able to legally drive your car. Check with your insurance carrier for state specific details.

Do you need car insurance to transfer a car into your name. i can not drive it yet so i wuld rather not pay insurance for it to just sit. can i get it into my name without insurance?

Yes. You must have the insurance before you can legally register the vehicle.

I bought a car with my money outright But because I am not 18 my mom had to be on title to I pay the insurance for it and everything legally can she take it away from me if im on the title?

no, but then you cannot drive the car if she cancels the insurance. you would drive w/o insurance, would you? that would be stupid.