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Q: If you drink a lot of water what signal will most likely be sent to your kidneys?
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No, your kidneys can't explode if you drink nothing but water.

How do you improve kidneys?

drink plenty of water and do not drink soft drinks and soda, and do not smoke

What happens if you drink a lot of etxtra water?

it helps flushes your kidneys

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Drink water

How does the water you drink get to the kidney?

After drinking, water enters the bloodstream through the gastrointestinal tract and is filtered by the kidneys. The kidneys then regulate the amount of water in the body by reabsorbing what is needed and excreting the excess as urine.

What is the pathway of water when you drink?

Mouth to esophagus, esophagus to stomach, stomach to small intestine, small intestine to kidneys, kidneys to bladder, bladder to urethra and out.

How does the water travel from your mouth to your kidneys?

When you drink water, it is absorbed in your digestive system and enters your bloodstream. The blood carrying the water travels to the kidneys, where the excess water is filtered out and excreted as urine, while the necessary water is reabsorbed back into the bloodstream.

What regulates water balance in the blood?

The kidneys play a key role in regulating water balance in the blood by controlling the amount of water reabsorbed and excreted. Hormones such as antidiuretic hormone (ADH) and aldosterone also help regulate water balance by influencing the reabsorption of water in the kidneys. Additionally, the sensation of thirst prompts us to drink water when our body needs to maintain water balance.

How do kidneys manitain water balance in the body?

The kidneys maintain water balance in the body by adjusting the amount of water reabsorbed back into the bloodstream from the urine. This is controlled by hormones like antidiuretic hormone (ADH) and aldosterone, which signal the kidneys to either retain or excrete more water depending on the body's hydration levels. Additionally, the kidneys regulate the concentration of urine produced to further help maintain water balance.

What task do the kidneys perform?

Your Kidneys are two organs inside your ribcage that filter waste from your blood as well as water you drink.

How does water help kidneys flush out wastes?

Water dilutes the toxins and waste in the kidneys which act like large filters, when the water dilutes the waste the kidneys are forced to expel the excess water much more quickly and so the bladder fills up quickly, which is why when you drink large quantities of fluid you always need to wee!!!

Do you need pee?

If you mean, "Do you need to pee?" Then yes. You see, when you drink, the water goes to your kidneys along with your blood. he kidneys filter out the dirty water from the blood, and put in the clean water. The dirty water is your pee. The kidneys then send it to your bladder. When you don't pee for a long enough time, it will fill up your bladder, and build up in your kidneys until they burst, killing you. So, yeah. You need to pee.