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have more rem sleep than normal :)

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Q: If you did not get enough sleep the night before you may apex?
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When you have more REM sleep than normal one night it might be because?

you did not sleep enough the night before APEX :D

The average teenager requires _____ hours of sleep each night?

(Apex) 9.

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For me personally it just keeps me in shape and my entire body feels better. The better shape you are in physically helps you relax more when it's time. Plus, all depending on when you workout/exercise (6pm-7pm) that can really help you sleep mainly if you 'hit the sack' at/around 10pm. Exercise a few hours before bedtime helps us relax so we sleep better at night. Intense workouts make our bodies tired, so sleep comes easier. ***For Apex -- Both A and B

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apex: the Calvin cycle

Why does exercise help us sleep better?

For me personally it just keeps me in shape and my entire body feels better. The better shape you are in physically helps you relax more when it's time. Plus, all depending on when you workout/exercise (6pm-7pm) that can really help you sleep mainly if you 'hit the sack' at/around 10pm. Exercise a few hours before bedtime helps us relax so we sleep better at night. Intense workouts make our bodies tired, so sleep comes easier. ***For Apex -- Both A and B

Which photosynthetic process can occur at night?

apex: the Calvin cycle

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